Happy October!
i had my 1st midterm today, not too sure how that went :S i kinda bs-ed some of it.. oh well it was at 8:30am and i didn't goto bed till 2am. there was some foreign guy who'd been drinking in my room, he's like albanian? one of my roomies had some friends over.. and they wanted to talk to me. Then they didn't seem to understand the whole lesbian thing.. and this one guy kissed my foot.. it was pretty odd.. me and taryn order pizza again, it was good but not as good as the night b4. i been drinking alot of dr.pepper.. just cause i got this deal from pizza pizza where u get 3 cans of pop for 50 cents or somthing. i've been on ebay alot too.
so i skateboarded to my class this morning, and i did it mongo, and i DON"T care!
i twisted my left ankle ok, otherwise i'd probably be skating goofy. i'm not going to kill myself just cause ur not suppose to skate mongo... this girl i'm like friend with now that also skatebaords in my class is all like i saw u skating to class and was all concerned and was like "friends don't let friends skate mongo". it was pretty funny. but yeah told me to bring my deck on monday and we'll skate in the parking lot after class.
i had my 1st midterm today, not too sure how that went :S i kinda bs-ed some of it.. oh well it was at 8:30am and i didn't goto bed till 2am. there was some foreign guy who'd been drinking in my room, he's like albanian? one of my roomies had some friends over.. and they wanted to talk to me. Then they didn't seem to understand the whole lesbian thing.. and this one guy kissed my foot.. it was pretty odd.. me and taryn order pizza again, it was good but not as good as the night b4. i been drinking alot of dr.pepper.. just cause i got this deal from pizza pizza where u get 3 cans of pop for 50 cents or somthing. i've been on ebay alot too.
so i skateboarded to my class this morning, and i did it mongo, and i DON"T care!

ok. I'm stupid. whats mongo?