ah man its already tueday, i skipped my women studies class yesturday to take my friend to the bus station to go back to sauga eeewww long bus trips
last time i was on the grey hound this guy with a mullet was offering me and my friend jello shooters out of his back pack :S at 11am... man windsor is pretty sketchy.. oh ya and after i departed with them i went to my friends house cuase the bus was right there anyways, we watched gia.. that movie was so sad and it kinda reminder me of.. me and someone else *sigh* geez i hate waiting for busses.. you start to hallucinate them comming.. i need more sleep.. the weekend should be the week and the weeek should be the weekend.. i have a midterm on friday already
oh and a quiz tomorrow, danm stats. i really hope i don't fail this physiology midterm next week omg
i did nooo work this weekend
tho i don't remeber the last timei ever did do school work on a weekend, i would always mean to but never did..
i have this big airmattress in the middle of my room it so comfy.. i just walk in and fall on it and we just lazy around on it for way too long, probably since its so hard to get out of it, the thing sucks u in.. i should probably take it out of my room so i don't hurt myself gettin gout of bed in the morning.. its a struggle..

i have this big airmattress in the middle of my room it so comfy.. i just walk in and fall on it and we just lazy around on it for way too long, probably since its so hard to get out of it, the thing sucks u in.. i should probably take it out of my room so i don't hurt myself gettin gout of bed in the morning.. its a struggle..
got your app for the SGAU group, just wondering why you'de like to join.. leave a reply back in my journal.. thanks..
try talking with Azlea, she's a canadian and has recently moved to Sydney to study at uni... i'm sure she'll be able to give you more info on immigration and all the stuff you have to go through..