Living with badass women has brought me the prospect that I too can be great. It made me recognize the grip of the women who created me to be different in an equal world. It pointed out that among the guys, it was only when I argued they called it arrogance. It made me better acquainted with the history of women who came before me and this gave me the strength to be greater.
Living with badass women helped me start a process of making peace with myself and understand that my fist came from the rule of womanhood, not from being a woman. I noticed that I do not have to deny myself as a woman, but I do not have to live the character that tells me what it is to be a woman to exist and be respected.
I'm a woman. Different from what we grow seeing on newsstands and televisions, there are several types of women. And it is not only the appearance that makes us multiple, we are broad, with body mind soul psyche and what else. Anyway. We are people.
For some of you these things may sound like bullshit, but being a woman is growing up by listening and living the opposite.
It is growing thinking that in history we were either witches or saints. That there are two good poets in Brazil. That if you are not sensual and demure at the same time you will not marry. That if not married your life went wrong. And so it goes.
So living with women changes everything. We teach ourselves to be free. Day to day. We learn that it exists in the other, when no one else shows us.
I'm not saying it's an easy way to hug and comfort all the time, because we need to learn to reconfigure our minds and stop seeing the other as an enemy and a competitor, and that takes time, a lot of will and dedication. It is necessary to unlearn the opposite, since we grew up thinking that we value ourselves for the devaluation of our colleague, that we must compete for affection as love was war, that nothing can ever be divided, and that pointing out is talking about the other and not about ourselves. But none of that is who we are, we can be much bigger.
That is why this struggle overtakes us at the same time unites us. Our struggle is to be people and when a woman is welcomed and colored humanity, we all become more human.
Interesting blog and a great read and very well said if everyone was the same life would be boring.😍