I'm thinking sincerely about inventing a new school of poetry call the "To Do List School"... I'm pretty sure it would rock major socks. (It would be kinda like Holly Golightly's spending report. )
May 2? To Do:
Take a bath...
Repaint wooden chairs- pink and turquoise (GAAAAWWWD how disgustingly Santa Fe!)
Fill out the insurance form thing
Clean car
Pack for my next great adventure
Make the bed n pick up the boudoir
Take drugs out of trunk *** (very important)
Teach Mario how to make red chili from scratch
Rent and watch Wizard of Oz (possibly on mushrooms)
Kiss a tree
Water the poppy field
Today I stumbled upon a yard sale and found the most incredible vintage vinyl chairs for $5 each!!
May 2? To Do:
Take a bath...
Repaint wooden chairs- pink and turquoise (GAAAAWWWD how disgustingly Santa Fe!)
Fill out the insurance form thing
Clean car
Pack for my next great adventure
Make the bed n pick up the boudoir
Take drugs out of trunk *** (very important)
Teach Mario how to make red chili from scratch
Rent and watch Wizard of Oz (possibly on mushrooms)
Kiss a tree
Water the poppy field

Today I stumbled upon a yard sale and found the most incredible vintage vinyl chairs for $5 each!!

Dont forget to take the drugs out of the trunk, its kinda important ya know ....