Wow. I MUST be bored.
I won't be on here much until I get a new laptop charger. Mine stopped working. And my laptop is currently dying :'(
Where is your Mother?
Rowlett, TX
Where is your Father?
Rowlett, TX
Do you like to swim?
Do you need to return anyones phone call?
Where were you born?
Wichita Falls, TX
Where do you keep your birth certificate?
It's at my parents house filed away somewhere.
How many days until your birthday?
Like 2 months or something.
What is the closest orange object to you?
A CD across the room.
Have you sneezed in the past hour?
I don't think so...
How many books are in your room?
A few.
What did you last eat?
Grilled chicken, corn and homemade mashed potatoes. Mmmm.
Who is your favorite teacher of all time?
I really liked my Algebra teacher in high school, Mrs. Terrell.
Name one of your goals for this year?
What is the biggest trouble you have ever been in?
Hahaha, 8th grade.
Did you cry because Michael Jackson died?
What does your 9th message on your phone say?
"Were gonna head out Saturday around one is that cool??"
Look to your left. What's there?
A CD I just made, and a cup.
Ever pop someone else's pimple?
Yes. Hah.
How long does it take you to fall asleep?
Depends. It's been difficult lately.
Are you scared about the end of the world?
Nope. I don't think it will happen when I'm alive.
Is there a TV in the room you are in?
Yes. I'm watching Sex Rehab!
What are you looking forward to?
Thanksgiving. I miss my parents.
What comes to your mind when I say red?
What other language do you want to be fluent in?
I don't know. Any.
Do you crack your neck often?
Reading that made me do it. I crack my knuckles more often than my neck.
Do you usually hold your pee for a long time?
Umm, I try not to?
Is it possible to lick your elbow?
Maybe if you're incredibly flexible...
Worst feeling in the world?
Slicing your finger open with a really sharp potato peeler, like I did just a couple hours ago. Yay.
What's your current favorite commercial?
Not a big fan of commercials...
Name something you think is pointless?
Furry puffy vests. Your torso is really cold but your arms are hot?
Favorite fast food restaurant?
Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Hahah, yes, but we weren't mad at eachother. Just "practicing for the real thing". Hahhaha, oh man.
Would you consider yourself as a pyro?
Eh, possibly. That word is a little strong.
Did you have a weird dream last night?
I always have weird dreams.
Do you wish at 11:11?
Do surveys really cure boredom?
I won't be on here much until I get a new laptop charger. Mine stopped working. And my laptop is currently dying :'(
Where is your Mother?
Rowlett, TX
Where is your Father?
Rowlett, TX
Do you like to swim?
Do you need to return anyones phone call?
Where were you born?
Wichita Falls, TX
Where do you keep your birth certificate?
It's at my parents house filed away somewhere.
How many days until your birthday?
Like 2 months or something.
What is the closest orange object to you?
A CD across the room.
Have you sneezed in the past hour?
I don't think so...
How many books are in your room?
A few.
What did you last eat?
Grilled chicken, corn and homemade mashed potatoes. Mmmm.
Who is your favorite teacher of all time?
I really liked my Algebra teacher in high school, Mrs. Terrell.
Name one of your goals for this year?
What is the biggest trouble you have ever been in?
Hahaha, 8th grade.
Did you cry because Michael Jackson died?
What does your 9th message on your phone say?
"Were gonna head out Saturday around one is that cool??"
Look to your left. What's there?
A CD I just made, and a cup.
Ever pop someone else's pimple?
Yes. Hah.
How long does it take you to fall asleep?
Depends. It's been difficult lately.
Are you scared about the end of the world?
Nope. I don't think it will happen when I'm alive.
Is there a TV in the room you are in?
Yes. I'm watching Sex Rehab!
What are you looking forward to?
Thanksgiving. I miss my parents.
What comes to your mind when I say red?
What other language do you want to be fluent in?
I don't know. Any.
Do you crack your neck often?
Reading that made me do it. I crack my knuckles more often than my neck.
Do you usually hold your pee for a long time?
Umm, I try not to?
Is it possible to lick your elbow?
Maybe if you're incredibly flexible...
Worst feeling in the world?
Slicing your finger open with a really sharp potato peeler, like I did just a couple hours ago. Yay.
What's your current favorite commercial?
Not a big fan of commercials...
Name something you think is pointless?
Furry puffy vests. Your torso is really cold but your arms are hot?
Favorite fast food restaurant?
Have you ever been in a fist fight?
Hahah, yes, but we weren't mad at eachother. Just "practicing for the real thing". Hahhaha, oh man.
Would you consider yourself as a pyro?
Eh, possibly. That word is a little strong.
Did you have a weird dream last night?
I always have weird dreams.
Do you wish at 11:11?
Do surveys really cure boredom?
And yes, you can lick your elbow.