My building manager is a complete fucktard. He is trying to evict my 4 roommates and me...ostensibly because there are 5 of us living in a 4-unit house, but really because he can't deal with 5 kickass, independent women living upstairs from him, when all he does all day is sit in his empty apartment and watch tv. He's known we had 5 people in here since last August, and he took our rent! I think he wants to kick us out so he can move older people in because he thinks they'll be quieter than we are...although we are VERY good roommates. I hope if he DOES get us evicted, a bunch of crackheads move in. Then he'll realize what a whiny idiot he is.
An example of what an asshat this guy is: we have Dance Dance Revolution and the floorpad, which is my favorite playstation game and just about the only way I can force myself to exercise. "Fuckhead" the building manager wanted me to CALL HIM every time I wanted to play the game to see if it was okay with him. WTF?!?! He's not my DAD, and there is nothing in the lease about asking permission to live my fucking life, thank you very much! The only thing in the lease that applies to DDR is that quiet time is between 10pm and 8am, and I NEVER play during those times. Anyway, because of this dickface, I didn't play DDR for FIVE MONTHS. But yesterday we got served a notice to move our 5th roommate out within 3 days or we will be evicted (we're going to fight it of course.) So I played DDR for two hours REALLY LOUDLY and I hope I pissed him off bigtime
An example of what an asshat this guy is: we have Dance Dance Revolution and the floorpad, which is my favorite playstation game and just about the only way I can force myself to exercise. "Fuckhead" the building manager wanted me to CALL HIM every time I wanted to play the game to see if it was okay with him. WTF?!?! He's not my DAD, and there is nothing in the lease about asking permission to live my fucking life, thank you very much! The only thing in the lease that applies to DDR is that quiet time is between 10pm and 8am, and I NEVER play during those times. Anyway, because of this dickface, I didn't play DDR for FIVE MONTHS. But yesterday we got served a notice to move our 5th roommate out within 3 days or we will be evicted (we're going to fight it of course.) So I played DDR for two hours REALLY LOUDLY and I hope I pissed him off bigtime

1 more week
Thanks so much for dropping by the gallery last night.