Holy crap, I'm updating!
Contrary to popular belief, I am not yet dead...I have, however, voluntarily withdrawn from most social interactions for a while. I'm working on slowly easing my way back in, but don't feel bad if I don't post in your journal/respond to your email/read any of your group events/call you back...it's not you, it's me!
Here's some pictures from last Saturday when I went downtown to look at all the pretty holiday decorations:
The Christmas Tree at Union Square with the Union Square pillar thingie (and an iPod ad in the background!)
Me in front of the Union Square tree.
I have no idea how they get that huge tree into Neiman Marcus...is there a trap door in the ceiling and they lower it down with a crane?
Neiman Marcus tree up close.
Ornaments on display in a Macy's window.
Taken out the window of a moving F Streetcar on the Embarcadero, sorry about the blur. You can see the reflection of the streetcar handrail in the window.
Hot fudge sundae from the Ghirardelli Square cafe! YUM
Contrary to popular belief, I am not yet dead...I have, however, voluntarily withdrawn from most social interactions for a while. I'm working on slowly easing my way back in, but don't feel bad if I don't post in your journal/respond to your email/read any of your group events/call you back...it's not you, it's me!
Here's some pictures from last Saturday when I went downtown to look at all the pretty holiday decorations:

The Christmas Tree at Union Square with the Union Square pillar thingie (and an iPod ad in the background!)

Me in front of the Union Square tree.

I have no idea how they get that huge tree into Neiman Marcus...is there a trap door in the ceiling and they lower it down with a crane?

Neiman Marcus tree up close.

Ornaments on display in a Macy's window.

Taken out the window of a moving F Streetcar on the Embarcadero, sorry about the blur. You can see the reflection of the streetcar handrail in the window.

Hot fudge sundae from the Ghirardelli Square cafe! YUM
Hope you're well!