listening to flogging molly
i finally have weed of my own-which is excellent becuase i no longer have to depend on others to get high.....i always feel bad mooching, so when i have weed i'm always generous with it to fix my karmic balance...
and the ct dmv blows monkey balls.....i put in for an appointment for my driving exam in the beginning of august...and i just got the appointment notification a couple days ago-december 8th!
so until then i'll be riding my bike to school and trying to find a job that i can ride my bike or walk to.....
ahwell i ♥ weed!
edited to add: i just noticed that i've had M.C. Escher's name spelled wrong on my favorite artists....someone should have kicked my ass for that....
i finally have weed of my own-which is excellent becuase i no longer have to depend on others to get high.....i always feel bad mooching, so when i have weed i'm always generous with it to fix my karmic balance...

and the ct dmv blows monkey balls.....i put in for an appointment for my driving exam in the beginning of august...and i just got the appointment notification a couple days ago-december 8th!

ahwell i ♥ weed!

edited to add: i just noticed that i've had M.C. Escher's name spelled wrong on my favorite artists....someone should have kicked my ass for that....

I've missed like, four comments from you! I'm sorry for being a shite friend.
Yay for having your own weed! I can't stand mooching off of people, which is why I decided to grow it. Well that, and for the profit. Ahhhh, junior high, those were the days. *sigh*