Listening to blink
k i finally have sound on my puter because i stole my speaker's back from my sister....
this will be my first real update in a ridiculously too long time... my sister went down to fla to visit her father and her grandfather for a couple weeks....a month and a half later it's been decided that she's moving down there permanantly....he bought her a mercedes convertable, a brand new guitar, amp and pa system, and is paying for an apartment for her....i guess he feels guilty, but good for her! she should milk him for every cent he's got.....that and i'll get to go down and visit her whenever i want....and strangely enough my mom is fine with her moving down there instead of flipping out and having a nervous breakdown about it....thats probably because her boyfriend just moved in with us....which is totally awesome because now she's in a good mood all the time and actually buys food....and doesn't try and kill me in my sleep anymore.... (not really) (well she only did it once) (i'm kidding)....
i quit working at quassy a couple weeks ago, but my mom doesn't know yet...everyone else does except dave (her boyfriend)....i think she would probably get horribly horribly angry and proceed to rip me a new asshole, so i've been pretending to go to work everyday...or making up reasons for why i'm not there....this is made more simple due to the fact that she is now completely oblivious to anything that doesn't have to do with dave.....thank you dave...
i put in my application for a driving test appointment a couple weeks ago too, but due to ct sucking the dried shrunken monkey balls my cat plays with, i have yet to hear back about an appointment....but once i get my license and a car i'll be working with someone that i met at quassy on helping him prepare his amusement park to open in the spring...and once that opens, hopefully i'll have a management position waiting for me...if not i'll definately have one as a ride operator....i'll be making a shitload more money than quassy and i'll be scoring some sweet sweet cheeba everyday....
school also starts in a week....i'll be in a classroom for the first time in 2 yrs and i really can't's the next big step in my 5 year plan and i'm looking forward to getting an oppurtunity to do some serious learning brain has been in neutral for way to long, and i'm starting to be able to tell....and that kinda pisses me off because thats one of the few things that i'm proud of about myself...the fact that i'm intelligent and i know how to think....ahwell...hopefully that will be changing very soon
as for my backpiece, the guy that i'll be working for is a fucking amazing artist and he agreed to draw it up for me....unfortunately he's also a huge pothead and needs a kick in the ass, but i'm looking forward to seeing how that will turn out...
and i know i've tortured you guys enough...but this is going to be just a little bit longer...
i'm really happy....
a couple months ago i met someone named justin....i didn't think it would come to anything more than a good friend...but now i have an amazing boyfriend that i love....and he loves me....and i'm happy for the first time in almost a year.....
look at me get all mushy and sacchrine sweet....but you know what? i deserve it dammit....i put up with so much shit for the past year that i deserve to be as annoyingly lovey-dovey as i neh....
i ♥ justin
p.s. the sex is amazing
k i finally have sound on my puter because i stole my speaker's back from my sister....
this will be my first real update in a ridiculously too long time... my sister went down to fla to visit her father and her grandfather for a couple weeks....a month and a half later it's been decided that she's moving down there permanantly....he bought her a mercedes convertable, a brand new guitar, amp and pa system, and is paying for an apartment for her....i guess he feels guilty, but good for her! she should milk him for every cent he's got.....that and i'll get to go down and visit her whenever i want....and strangely enough my mom is fine with her moving down there instead of flipping out and having a nervous breakdown about it....thats probably because her boyfriend just moved in with us....which is totally awesome because now she's in a good mood all the time and actually buys food....and doesn't try and kill me in my sleep anymore.... (not really) (well she only did it once) (i'm kidding)....
i quit working at quassy a couple weeks ago, but my mom doesn't know yet...everyone else does except dave (her boyfriend)....i think she would probably get horribly horribly angry and proceed to rip me a new asshole, so i've been pretending to go to work everyday...or making up reasons for why i'm not there....this is made more simple due to the fact that she is now completely oblivious to anything that doesn't have to do with dave.....thank you dave...
i put in my application for a driving test appointment a couple weeks ago too, but due to ct sucking the dried shrunken monkey balls my cat plays with, i have yet to hear back about an appointment....but once i get my license and a car i'll be working with someone that i met at quassy on helping him prepare his amusement park to open in the spring...and once that opens, hopefully i'll have a management position waiting for me...if not i'll definately have one as a ride operator....i'll be making a shitload more money than quassy and i'll be scoring some sweet sweet cheeba everyday....

school also starts in a week....i'll be in a classroom for the first time in 2 yrs and i really can't's the next big step in my 5 year plan and i'm looking forward to getting an oppurtunity to do some serious learning brain has been in neutral for way to long, and i'm starting to be able to tell....and that kinda pisses me off because thats one of the few things that i'm proud of about myself...the fact that i'm intelligent and i know how to think....ahwell...hopefully that will be changing very soon
as for my backpiece, the guy that i'll be working for is a fucking amazing artist and he agreed to draw it up for me....unfortunately he's also a huge pothead and needs a kick in the ass, but i'm looking forward to seeing how that will turn out...
and i know i've tortured you guys enough...but this is going to be just a little bit longer...
i'm really happy....
a couple months ago i met someone named justin....i didn't think it would come to anything more than a good friend...but now i have an amazing boyfriend that i love....and he loves me....and i'm happy for the first time in almost a year.....

p.s. the sex is amazing
Man, that reminds me of a girl I was trying to get with. At one point she was just visiting some friends. The next time we talked, she'd found a place and a job there

Danny Boyle (directed 28 Days Later) is a feckin' genius.