so, january to june. that's just a little bit long for no posts at all. i am still alive, contrary to popular belief and stuff is different!
i've had my car for 7 months and already i've had it broken into, backed into, and i managed to drop the only copy of the key that i had down a 20 foot flowing storm drain and had to get it towed so i could get a new key. i am awesome!! super awesome!
also, i have a camera p-honey now. so i can take pic-a-tures. yay!
and! i have a new job! i told my manager at cumberland farms where to get bent and how far, and now i'm working at Chili's as a to-go ho. and saving money! that's possible now! whoot!
the boy and i managed to start a savings account so that we can get our own place within this year because i definately definately need to get out of my mom's house. there's only so much crazy i can take.
and i really want to either chop off all my hair again, or dread it. but i'm way too impatient to actually wait for the dreads to grow out and get all pretty, so i might take a day and learn how to make my own fake dreadies. if i do cut all my hair off it will probably be something like this:
the only thing stopping me is the knowledge that it took 4 years for my last short short cut to grow out and it wasn't nearly as drastic. we'll see. i might do it just in time for ozzfest.

i've had my car for 7 months and already i've had it broken into, backed into, and i managed to drop the only copy of the key that i had down a 20 foot flowing storm drain and had to get it towed so i could get a new key. i am awesome!! super awesome!
also, i have a camera p-honey now. so i can take pic-a-tures. yay!
and! i have a new job! i told my manager at cumberland farms where to get bent and how far, and now i'm working at Chili's as a to-go ho. and saving money! that's possible now! whoot!
the boy and i managed to start a savings account so that we can get our own place within this year because i definately definately need to get out of my mom's house. there's only so much crazy i can take.
and i really want to either chop off all my hair again, or dread it. but i'm way too impatient to actually wait for the dreads to grow out and get all pretty, so i might take a day and learn how to make my own fake dreadies. if i do cut all my hair off it will probably be something like this:

the only thing stopping me is the knowledge that it took 4 years for my last short short cut to grow out and it wasn't nearly as drastic. we'll see. i might do it just in time for ozzfest.

hmmm? why do all the smokin long haired chicks i know wanna cut off all their hair???