listening to the helicopter flying by.
why do people just hang up when they find out that they called a wrong number, especially after calling the number twice?
so, i haven't made a post in a while. various reasons. mostly coming down to not spending as much time on sg as normal.
but it's been an interesting past month or so.
i watched my buddy's house for a week. and there was ozzfest. which, despite the whole second stage not really interesting me, at all, was a good day. bought a couple new pieces for a great price, and got broiled alive. i'm still peeling 3 weeks later.
my mater decided to go back on her word and not cosign the loan request. consequently my request was denied for lack of credit, and i still have no vehicle. i turn 21 in less than a month and i still have no fucking car. anyways.
there were fights galore this past month, too.
but it's been an interesting month.
i figured out a fool proof plan of ripping off cumby's and getting away with it. now if only i had the balls to go through with it.
i really want to be back in school. more than anything, i want to be attending SCSU this upcoming fall semester, but it's not going to happen. i live 25 minutes away from the school, and with no car, and no public transportation in this little shitstain of a state, i have no way of getting to and from classes and whatever job i find.
i have to hope and pray and whatever to try and get a car soon enough that i can register for the spring semester.
i have been planning and working towards going to college my whole life. and i'm getting held up because i don't have a fucking car. or, apparently, a parent who cares about me. what the fuck?
somehow it's my fault that there's not a fulltime job paying $12 an hour that is hiring people with no training or specialized education to work night shifts.
i want to blow her car up while she's in it. i want to poison her food and watch her slowly choke to death. i want to hold her down and not stop hitting her until there's no more mouth left for her to lie with.
whatever. fuck her. i hope she dies knowing what a whore she's been. and that she regrets selling her soul to become a suburbanite housewife.
i turn 21 in less than a month and i have no plans other than to not remember my birthday. i want to go to bar after bar until i forget how many we've been to. i get to pick how i spend my birthday for the first time, and i want it to be a good old self-destructive obliteration.
why do people just hang up when they find out that they called a wrong number, especially after calling the number twice?
so, i haven't made a post in a while. various reasons. mostly coming down to not spending as much time on sg as normal.
but it's been an interesting past month or so.
i watched my buddy's house for a week. and there was ozzfest. which, despite the whole second stage not really interesting me, at all, was a good day. bought a couple new pieces for a great price, and got broiled alive. i'm still peeling 3 weeks later.
my mater decided to go back on her word and not cosign the loan request. consequently my request was denied for lack of credit, and i still have no vehicle. i turn 21 in less than a month and i still have no fucking car. anyways.
there were fights galore this past month, too.
but it's been an interesting month.
i figured out a fool proof plan of ripping off cumby's and getting away with it. now if only i had the balls to go through with it.
i really want to be back in school. more than anything, i want to be attending SCSU this upcoming fall semester, but it's not going to happen. i live 25 minutes away from the school, and with no car, and no public transportation in this little shitstain of a state, i have no way of getting to and from classes and whatever job i find.
i have to hope and pray and whatever to try and get a car soon enough that i can register for the spring semester.
i have been planning and working towards going to college my whole life. and i'm getting held up because i don't have a fucking car. or, apparently, a parent who cares about me. what the fuck?
somehow it's my fault that there's not a fulltime job paying $12 an hour that is hiring people with no training or specialized education to work night shifts.
i want to blow her car up while she's in it. i want to poison her food and watch her slowly choke to death. i want to hold her down and not stop hitting her until there's no more mouth left for her to lie with.
whatever. fuck her. i hope she dies knowing what a whore she's been. and that she regrets selling her soul to become a suburbanite housewife.
i turn 21 in less than a month and i have no plans other than to not remember my birthday. i want to go to bar after bar until i forget how many we've been to. i get to pick how i spend my birthday for the first time, and i want it to be a good old self-destructive obliteration.

I`m scared. I`m never sleeping again
I was thinking about you needing a car, and it occured to me that there may be one of these shared car type things going on. You know, share the journey and the gas type affairs. Worth looking into, I guess the college would have some sort of notice board.
It sucks you aren`t being helped.
I really hope it works out
Hopefully in '07 I'll be In Chicago or some place warmer where I can ride my bike alot more.
Good luck though.