listening to pink floyd
it's cold
fucking winter
i hate new england's would be so much better up here if there was no winter...
after a few days of awesome warmness, i woke up this morning to a couple inches of snow/slush and a miserable cold rain....dammit
and i go to school at 8, and there's no one there....ok, like 5 people, but they all were driving plows or wielding shovels...turns out there was a 90 minute delay...for 2 inches of snow...what the fuck? they didn't delay when we got like 6 inches! i figure my 8 o'clock class (my only one of the day) will then start at 9:30 since it was a delay, not cancelled morning i wait around for an hour and a half, go to where the class is sposed to be (second day of classes, first day of this class) sit down, and wait for the teacher...and realize that all these people have math books with them....apparently when there's a delay they just cancel the first class....but make no mention of this anywhere, ever...
and then i get to walk home freezing cold, with soaking wet feet and rain/snow going down the back of my collar...nice.....
and then! i find out that the teacher of this retarded fucking communications class i have to take is my english teacher from last semester....i'll either end up killing him or jabbing my pen into my own eyes....
it's cold
fucking winter
i hate new england's would be so much better up here if there was no winter...
after a few days of awesome warmness, i woke up this morning to a couple inches of snow/slush and a miserable cold rain....dammit
and i go to school at 8, and there's no one there....ok, like 5 people, but they all were driving plows or wielding shovels...turns out there was a 90 minute delay...for 2 inches of snow...what the fuck? they didn't delay when we got like 6 inches! i figure my 8 o'clock class (my only one of the day) will then start at 9:30 since it was a delay, not cancelled morning i wait around for an hour and a half, go to where the class is sposed to be (second day of classes, first day of this class) sit down, and wait for the teacher...and realize that all these people have math books with them....apparently when there's a delay they just cancel the first class....but make no mention of this anywhere, ever...

and then! i find out that the teacher of this retarded fucking communications class i have to take is my english teacher from last semester....i'll either end up killing him or jabbing my pen into my own eyes....

New England is prety, but I hate the fucking snow.
heh hope things with the prof and the weather get better for you