so wednesday we had a huge it rained all day and the wind was gusting up to 60 mph.....ok, well maybe not 60mph, but hard enough to knock out electricity and phones in a good amount of area...we didn't have any water either because our water pump runs on........
and that really sucked cus i really really wanted to take a shower and i couldn't...
but because of the phones and electricity going out, our internet broke for 2 days...we had to call today to get it reset from the cable company...booo!!
i felt so unconnected!
i felt so alone!
i felt so bored!
i was suffering from the dt's.....shaking...eating compulsively..random bursts of laughter...a desire to leave the house....i mean, what the fuck, right?
and today i was driving in naugatuck and i was trying to turn out of a parking lot for about 10 minutes, no body would let me go, and when they had red lights, instead of leaving me enough room to pull out they would just stop right in front of me fuckers@!!!@@!!
but it's ok cus then i drove down random backroads for a while
and! i found somewhere to buy stockings where i won't get bum raped over the price
umm....i think thats all...probably....
i've been in such a great mood today cus it's like 55 and gorgeous and i've just been driving around on errands all day, all relaxed like and not in the house
Hmm Yes Cheese Sticks. I love them in general no matter where I get them but Ruby Tuesdays has the best. Know any other places that does?