listening to fall out boy
i've decided that when i get an apartment i'm not telling my mom where it is, nor will she be invited. ever. i seriously hope that whore dies a slow painful death, and failing that, i hope she's miserable for the rest of her fucking life. i will dance on her grave and laugh the day she dies.
p.s. i'm in a much better mood now....but i don't regret what i i'm going to leave that up there....on the other hand, i ♥ weed
i've decided that when i get an apartment i'm not telling my mom where it is, nor will she be invited. ever. i seriously hope that whore dies a slow painful death, and failing that, i hope she's miserable for the rest of her fucking life. i will dance on her grave and laugh the day she dies.

p.s. i'm in a much better mood now....but i don't regret what i i'm going to leave that up there....on the other hand, i ♥ weed
