it's early, it's dark, and it's cold.
when the sun comes up, and the clouds move there will be more snow on the tops of the mountains, and it will be a little closer to my house. in a couple more weeks my big black dog will be outside trying to catch snow flakes while i'm building a fire to sit by.
don't get me wrong i love summer, hot, and sunshine, but i look forward to winters here. i like the long dark.
besides sunrises are beautiful, and so are sunsets. soon, the sun won't come up until 10am, and it will be headed back down by 3:30pm. 2 of the best parts of the day will be much closer together.
when the sun comes up, and the clouds move there will be more snow on the tops of the mountains, and it will be a little closer to my house. in a couple more weeks my big black dog will be outside trying to catch snow flakes while i'm building a fire to sit by.
don't get me wrong i love summer, hot, and sunshine, but i look forward to winters here. i like the long dark.
besides sunrises are beautiful, and so are sunsets. soon, the sun won't come up until 10am, and it will be headed back down by 3:30pm. 2 of the best parts of the day will be much closer together.
i mean, sure it does similar things in winter here in Poland land, but i VERY much doubt if its as amazing as Alaska