Its happened,
Hell hath frozen over
In the ever ongoing saga that is my family it would seem the youngling that currently twitches my mothers nethers of an evening has made the somewhat fatal mistake of cheating. This has lead to her predictable cataclysmic descent into what I am now calling Facebook depression (since it seems its utterly ok to beg for help in the form of continuous status updates). Considering her instability to begin with this new development has now created a tremendous tension amongst the household (which thankfully I dont reside at) causing my youngest sister to act out, quit sixth form and move out for a day. This situation was recovered with some apologies and a promise of no repeat incidents however I have laid a shiny penny to the betting man it happens again in under a weeks time.
But all of this behavior in the part of my mother pales when confronted with the next incident
My Father, on obviously seeing her (on facebook) in a state of depression has somehow convinced her to go to Dinner with him. I should note that in the 20 years they have been separated he has never had a long term girlfriend & has always professed that he still loves her.
Perhaps I shouldnt be so cynical about this tragic love tale however I forsee this going very badly for him, as she will use him to boost her confidence and self value before propelling herself at the next young victim.
Oh well all makes for interesting stories so I should give them some credit.
In other news I failed to stay off Facebook.. I craved it like Golum craved the ring so I gave in.
O yes, and I succeeded in getting through the weekend without a) passing out or b) being drawn on RESULT!
Hell hath frozen over
In the ever ongoing saga that is my family it would seem the youngling that currently twitches my mothers nethers of an evening has made the somewhat fatal mistake of cheating. This has lead to her predictable cataclysmic descent into what I am now calling Facebook depression (since it seems its utterly ok to beg for help in the form of continuous status updates). Considering her instability to begin with this new development has now created a tremendous tension amongst the household (which thankfully I dont reside at) causing my youngest sister to act out, quit sixth form and move out for a day. This situation was recovered with some apologies and a promise of no repeat incidents however I have laid a shiny penny to the betting man it happens again in under a weeks time.
But all of this behavior in the part of my mother pales when confronted with the next incident
My Father, on obviously seeing her (on facebook) in a state of depression has somehow convinced her to go to Dinner with him. I should note that in the 20 years they have been separated he has never had a long term girlfriend & has always professed that he still loves her.
Perhaps I shouldnt be so cynical about this tragic love tale however I forsee this going very badly for him, as she will use him to boost her confidence and self value before propelling herself at the next young victim.
Oh well all makes for interesting stories so I should give them some credit.
In other news I failed to stay off Facebook.. I craved it like Golum craved the ring so I gave in.
O yes, and I succeeded in getting through the weekend without a) passing out or b) being drawn on RESULT!
Don't you just hate it when parents start to get interested in technology... when was the last time something good came out such a situation? xxx