Well, here I am on SuicideGirls. What an odd thing for me.
I given this account by Eirian, since it seems the person she got it for, before, didn't ever use it... or something... I don't know. But I'm here, now!
I'm a shy sort, and I really don't talk to many people because of it. Yeah, I know, the socially anxious are kind of looked down on, but I have to live with it. I'm just a recluse, I guess. When I do go out (rarely), it's nothing big. Maybe a movie, some time playing DDR, some dinner, some wandering around a mall. Situations with crowds of people and alcohol (clubs/bars specially) tend to bother me. Of course, people are trying to get me to go out more. When I have enough encouragement and people I know, I WILL go out and have a good time. I just fear going out somewhere with nobody to be near.
Enough about my bad side!
I'm a wannabe-author, for one! I love writing short stories, and could probably write a novel if I ever really got motivated. I also run an MMORPG private server that actually pays attention to those last three letters - RPG! That's right, you're required to stay in-character, on my server. Remember when RPGs would never allow you to talk about levels and stats while you sat around a tavern? Thanks to World of Warcraft (curse be thy name!!!) and other "RPGs" of that nature, people forget what roleplaying really IS. If you're not roleplaying, you're just playing an MMOG.
Wow, did I just rant, there? Sorry...
Side-note! The old blog entries in here are not mine! Anything posted before this was not written by me! I'm trying to delete the stuff, but it just isn't working out!
I given this account by Eirian, since it seems the person she got it for, before, didn't ever use it... or something... I don't know. But I'm here, now!
I'm a shy sort, and I really don't talk to many people because of it. Yeah, I know, the socially anxious are kind of looked down on, but I have to live with it. I'm just a recluse, I guess. When I do go out (rarely), it's nothing big. Maybe a movie, some time playing DDR, some dinner, some wandering around a mall. Situations with crowds of people and alcohol (clubs/bars specially) tend to bother me. Of course, people are trying to get me to go out more. When I have enough encouragement and people I know, I WILL go out and have a good time. I just fear going out somewhere with nobody to be near.
Enough about my bad side!
I'm a wannabe-author, for one! I love writing short stories, and could probably write a novel if I ever really got motivated. I also run an MMORPG private server that actually pays attention to those last three letters - RPG! That's right, you're required to stay in-character, on my server. Remember when RPGs would never allow you to talk about levels and stats while you sat around a tavern? Thanks to World of Warcraft (curse be thy name!!!) and other "RPGs" of that nature, people forget what roleplaying really IS. If you're not roleplaying, you're just playing an MMOG.
Wow, did I just rant, there? Sorry...
Side-note! The old blog entries in here are not mine! Anything posted before this was not written by me! I'm trying to delete the stuff, but it just isn't working out!
Welcome, welcome. I'm a 7th level Marine. Bwahaha.
I'm also quite shy. Really.

welcome to sg
those kitty pictures are to die for haha i love em