it never fails to amaze me. a flashing curser can be so hypnotic.
how many pages of really good stuff have i lost, by looking a little too long, at a disapearing, reapearing black line?
it wouldn't surprise me if a best selling novel has evaperated, from my mind, and escaped my finger tip's key board trap, because of the rythmic pace at which the...
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how many pages of really good stuff have i lost, by looking a little too long, at a disapearing, reapearing black line?
it wouldn't surprise me if a best selling novel has evaperated, from my mind, and escaped my finger tip's key board trap, because of the rythmic pace at which the...
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i need a new job. that's not true. i have 2 jobs. i need the job i like best, to pay me enough, that i could quit the other job.
my ticket to disapointment city has already been punched.
my ticket to disapointment city has already been punched.
i am tired. "i am beyond the point of simple fatigue." some complete form of mentle and physical break down is definately on the horizon. i need sleep. yes, sleep.
i've too muched, all my favorite vices, drinking, women, drinking with women, and sex.
it's raining, and the wind is blowing.
i'm going to drink a glass of water, and go back to bed, to...
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i've too muched, all my favorite vices, drinking, women, drinking with women, and sex.
it's raining, and the wind is blowing.
i'm going to drink a glass of water, and go back to bed, to...
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there are times when i truly love living in alaska.
ok, so i like bears. i really do, the few times i've stood, on a trail, with a bear have been amazing. it is severly humbling to look into the eyes of something that could eat you, and know there is nothing you can do to stop it. for all of our technological wonders when...
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ok, so i like bears. i really do, the few times i've stood, on a trail, with a bear have been amazing. it is severly humbling to look into the eyes of something that could eat you, and know there is nothing you can do to stop it. for all of our technological wonders when...
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Happy bday!
"and i'm done, done, on to the next one done, i'm done, and i'm on to the next...."
dave grole
or maybe not, maybe i'll treat this relationship like a bycycle, and ride it till the wheels fall off.
dave grole
or maybe not, maybe i'll treat this relationship like a bycycle, and ride it till the wheels fall off.
a rock star friend of mine wrote a song, about how "love" has turned into a word no one wants to say....
he's not far off really.
love is a tricky, sticky, 4 letter mother fucker.
the end. or the begining?
he's not far off really.
love is a tricky, sticky, 4 letter mother fucker.
the end. or the begining?
so, um yeah,
i am currently involved with the most complicated, confused, crazy, wonderful, beautiful, train wreck of a person i've ever been with. well, i guess i'm always with myself so, that doesn't count, but damn this one's really something else.
she will either change my status as far as being single goes, and we will have an amazingly interesting adventure, or we will...
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let me tell you something for free. on a hot day, after watching drag races in the sun, in front of mountain, i know i couldn't climb in less than 7 hours there is nothing as gratifying to the taste buds, as a well built blt, and a cheap bottle of merlot, consumed hobo style straight, from the bottle.
the salt of the bacon, and...
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the salt of the bacon, and...
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i have no idea what i'm doing with the person i'm dating. she is full on crazy, and unpredictable. she has a lot, and i do mean a lot of baggage, from her last relationship. i've met her ex twice now, he's a coke addict from new zealand, and he has small, cold, hands.
the problem is when things are good, which has been almost...
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the problem is when things are good, which has been almost...
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i live in alaska, and it's really hard not be outside. i feel like i should be enjoying all the green right now. running up the side of mountain looking like bear bate. there's something kind of exciting about the idea of being eaten by a bear. i think it would be a cool way go, but i'd want to be completely eaten. anyway...
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i live in alaska, and it's really hard not be outside. i feel like i should be enjoying all the green right now. running up the side of mountain looking like bear bate. there's something kind of exciting about the idea of being eaten by a bear. i think it would be a cool way go, but i'd want to be completely eaten. anyway...
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yes, writing, typing, talking without saying anything out loud. i love it, i wish someone would pay me for it.
i realised a few things today. #1 women with tattoes are hot. #2 if the sex is good, from the get go, it gets better. and #3 girls who prefer guys, but also really like girls are both fun, and very complicated.
i realised a few things today. #1 women with tattoes are hot. #2 if the sex is good, from the get go, it gets better. and #3 girls who prefer guys, but also really like girls are both fun, and very complicated.
along with off the map, crazy good, sex, this girl i'm seeing is none of your buisness fun. she's smart, smart, she makes me laugh, she has tattoos on both shoulders, and she told me for the second time today that she wants to find another girl to bring home with us. hee, hee, hee...
of course i've thought about it before, i'm male,...
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along with off the map, crazy good, sex, this girl i'm seeing is none of your buisness fun. she's smart, smart, she makes me laugh, she has tattoos on both shoulders, and she told me for the second time today that she wants to find another girl to bring home with us. hee, hee, hee...
of course i've thought about it before, i'm male,...
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oh oh.