just got in from the marked for life womans convention. it was my first convention and i learned a lot and met some cool people. i realized i am a tool and have been playing into certain peoples drama and i need to cut that shit out and put the energy into art and into myself. i also got left by my friends and had to sleep in wet clothes in a cold ass van because no one would let me crash in their room. so i did learn a lot from this both about tattooing and who i can count on. i got to meet philadelphia eddie and gave him a apprentice flyer for a free tattoo, i also met annette larue from electric ladyland who is amazing. and jennifer lynn of blue dragon tattoo out of tampa took the time to sit down with me and bullshit after i got left by friends and then today during the show sat down and looked at my shit and offered some good advice. i also got to see judy parker.
i am looking more and more forward to this career and two weeksin made my resolutions for the year. the first is to work more and more on me physically, emotionally and artistically.
then ii am also going to scale back my drinking as i have been doing it more these last few months and with alchoholism in the family i should cut back now. ok time to go home and crashh wanted to update take care all.
i am looking more and more forward to this career and two weeksin made my resolutions for the year. the first is to work more and more on me physically, emotionally and artistically.
then ii am also going to scale back my drinking as i have been doing it more these last few months and with alchoholism in the family i should cut back now. ok time to go home and crashh wanted to update take care all.

what's yo # im on my way out got a new cell hit me up with it real quick
NEED ###########...fuck...i gonna look for it..shitass fuck!!