Ok I found my old km accidentally and he is co-owning this bar resaurant just up the street so i am working for him again saving money for my tattoo gear so i can finish the apprenticeship here in town. its nice to actually be working again, some place where you have to actually bust work out. there is a world of difference in a...
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wow...so perky today aren't we..

ok i am back in gainesville fuck st augustine and assholes there. ii am working my ass off saving up for gear and going to try to finish my apprenticeship in town thanks to screamqueen for posting for me. she rocks.

Right on.
Alright, you're finally back Mister. Now if only we can actually meet up huh? We should do dinner or at least drinks!
. .)
( . *hearts sqp*

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ok new tattoos are up on deviant here is the link. the sweet tooth tattoo i did yesterday isnt on there because cheryl had her camera with her today so i couldnt offload it and bring with me to jax to put up online. but enjoy them. sorry they are so big and sideways i suck i know.

shit man im sorry that sucks!!!! sorry i havent called ive been a little busy when are you leaving?

Posting this for Loki669 - Please Read!
Hey I'm just stopping by here to make a post for Mr. Loki669. He wanted everyone to know that he won't be able to get online for possibly as long as a few weeks now. He had to move suddenly because of some private family business.
So if you are trying to get in touch with him for a tattoo he's currently living in Gainesville and no longer in St. Augustine. I'm sure he'll reply to you as soon as he's back online.
Hey I'm just stopping by here to make a post for Mr. Loki669. He wanted everyone to know that he won't be able to get online for possibly as long as a few weeks now. He had to move suddenly because of some private family business.
So if you are trying to get in touch with him for a tattoo he's currently living in Gainesville and no longer in St. Augustine. I'm sure he'll reply to you as soon as he's back online.

been tattooing my ass off this week. i am hoping to get some picts uploaded onto my deviant art site tonight. i want too post my rose i did on a friend then i got a govlin head i did on another friend and a skull and sporcket i did on one kid this week. i have mroe but they arent here as cheryl took...
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just got in from the marked for life womans convention. it was my first convention and i learned a lot and met some cool people. i realized i am a tool and have been playing into certain peoples drama and i need to cut that shit out and put the energy into art and into myself. i also got left by my friends and had...
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what's yo # im on my way out got a new cell hit me up with it real quick
NEED ###########...fuck...i gonna look for it..shitass fuck!!
Good week so far I did that voodooy chicken claw on wensday and did a rose on my friend with his wifes name in it today i fuggin love. the shading smoothed out a lot and looks much better. good times people. sunday i will be in orlando for the marked for life tattoo convention, and i got 5 more tattoos lined up for this...
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hey I saw your free ink ad on the sgfl I was looking to get some more tribal work done on my arm to try and get more of my sleeve, I live in Orlando and I would have no prob driving up, are a tues or wend evening good for you this month at all? or any month?
got to do a bad ass voodooy chicken claw yesterday it is probably the favorite thing i have gotten to tattoo yet. i have finally been getting people in regularly here lately. just yesterday and today i set up 5 tattoos for the next week or so. w00t.

pretty good
Voodoo is awesome...
I'd really like to it.
I'm guessing that "marked for life" is a tattoo show? Since I just heard about it, I'll have to say that I can't go. And its a Female Tattoo Artist Expo too, damn I would have been really into it.
Did you get my email about more ideas of things to do around Gville? Maybe if we actually make plans it will happen huh?
. .)
( . *hearts sqp*

I'm guessing that "marked for life" is a tattoo show? Since I just heard about it, I'll have to say that I can't go. And its a Female Tattoo Artist Expo too, damn I would have been really into it.
Did you get my email about more ideas of things to do around Gville? Maybe if we actually make plans it will happen huh?

. .)
( . *hearts sqp*
jesus last night was one hell of a mind trip. over the course of the night i ran into all 3 of the girls i have dated in the last eight months. we went out to the art walk with stacy the redhead. the latest one i have been trying to get things in order with. so then after the art walk deborahs band is...
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got my new flyer done just need to get it printed and then its off to the bars to distribute.

hey, i just read your "free tattoos" thread and i think i may have shat my pants.
lemme know where you're located and what the stipulations are and such, cause i'm ncfl for life and i'd love to help out an aspiring artist while getting free tattoos.
and at very least good luck and take it easy.
lemme know where you're located and what the stipulations are and such, cause i'm ncfl for life and i'd love to help out an aspiring artist while getting free tattoos.
and at very least good luck and take it easy.
i just looked through my e-mail...and could not find it, post it in my journal right now and I'll delete it and call you...mkay
heading out with the whole group from the shop tonight and some friends. too much bullshit lately makes things kinda depressing. on the upside ii have been getting some tattoos in here lately and should be hitting the substitute teaching gig here soon. also going to get into the real estate game with my brother since tattooing has a lack of retirement.

Happy New Year Sweetie!
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sleep is good, friend missed his flight so he shant be here for his own party tomorrow night.
good times.

I should be hanging out with you guys right now, sucks1 Why the hell is it so damn cold here in FL? Hope you got my message...
Wishing You & Yours All The Best This Holiday Season,
& Here's To A Healthy & Prosperous Year In 2005!
. .)
( . *hearts sqp*

Wishing You & Yours All The Best This Holiday Season,
& Here's To A Healthy & Prosperous Year In 2005!
. .)
( . *hearts sqp*
spent the last couple years alone with some horrible shit happening and just now coming out of hermit mode looking for someone cool to hang with seems more elusive then ever sp hell with people miserable bastards anyweay.