the countdown to my 20th birthday has begun, I will be 19 for 9 more days!!! I can hardly believe I'm not going to be a teenager anymore.
ah well, I probably always will be at heart - my capacity for teenage mischief has always been high and probably isn't going down any time soon. besides - university has a way of prolonging the youthfulness (read: youthful stupidity and blindness to consequences) for at least a few more years.
still, I feel old. well, old for me. when I was younger I never thought I would make it to 19, now here I am just over a week from 20 and the world shows no signs of slowing down.
I really should get writing, that book isn't going to write itself. Wish me luck, dearies! This one has "first novel" written all over it. (if I can get it out of my head onto paper!
much love
Miss Loki Suicide (I LOVE saying that!

ah well, I probably always will be at heart - my capacity for teenage mischief has always been high and probably isn't going down any time soon. besides - university has a way of prolonging the youthfulness (read: youthful stupidity and blindness to consequences) for at least a few more years.

still, I feel old. well, old for me. when I was younger I never thought I would make it to 19, now here I am just over a week from 20 and the world shows no signs of slowing down.
I really should get writing, that book isn't going to write itself. Wish me luck, dearies! This one has "first novel" written all over it. (if I can get it out of my head onto paper!

much love
Miss Loki Suicide (I LOVE saying that!

Any exciting plans?
having a party @ my boyfriends new place and getting a new tattoo! once i get both the pictures i'm considering i'm going to post them up and see what people think.