I think it's been at least 5 years since I really thought about this site but it's been an important part of my life regardless. I found myself here, my real self, my true self, the self that belonged to no one but me. It's funny to think how much of my life might have gone differently without the confidence and contentment that being a Suicide Girl brought me. A lot has changed in the 7, almost 8, years I have been AWOL but I still remember this community with great fondness and, more recently, I have been thinking a lot about renewing my presence. It's hard to find the time though, now that I am a full-fledged adult, adulting with all my might all week long. Sometimes I just want to be a kid again. Or if not a kid, close enough to a kid that I could remember the carelessness and freedom of not giving two shits about responsibilities or other people's expectations. Now it's something of a struggle, but a worthwhile one, to find moments of carefree self-indulgence. Perhaps 2016 will be the year of my reawakening. Maybe it's time, or long past time, to deconstruct some walls.
Until next time, I'll be thinking about all of you and I like to believe that someone out there will think of me.