So I was all ready to update and then my phone rang and I know have nothing to say. Hmm. Things are still going well, I am finally starting to get enough sleep at night now which is nice. And wedding plans are finally moving forwrd, we might have a venue booked after today if everything goes well! *crosses fingers* Wish me luck!
I can't wait to get another kitty, I think Turgy will be excited and happy to have a friend and its so much fun having a kitten! They are just the most wonderful little fluffy balls of cute awesomeness! lol - okay yes that was a lot of adjectives, yes I do mean them all.
In any case... I have been enjoying listening to the Lords of Acid lately, they amuse me greatly. I only have one album (farstrucker) but it is very funny and not terrible musicwise either. I happened upon them randomly while listening to the Lordi discography in prepartion for their upcoming concert. they were just below the last Lordi album in my play list (we have over 80 gigs of music, stumbling upon something I haven't heard before is not that uncommon). Anyway - the first song is about sex, the third one ( I believe) is about doggie-style in particular. and a bunch of the others are all about sex or drugs. My favourite tho is "I Like It" which I won't describe because it will ruin it - its funny and worth finding. Kinda like Peaches but a lot less scary.
Nothing else new to report really... I really want to see Buck 65 live again but only if he will play his old albums only. And actually fucking swear. Edited Centaur - not cool man!
I hate/love spending half my day trying to look busy. Its gets hard after a couple hours. But working those hours would probably be harder eh?
*loki loves* to all (well those of you that don't SUCK anyway)
I can't wait to get another kitty, I think Turgy will be excited and happy to have a friend and its so much fun having a kitten! They are just the most wonderful little fluffy balls of cute awesomeness! lol - okay yes that was a lot of adjectives, yes I do mean them all.
In any case... I have been enjoying listening to the Lords of Acid lately, they amuse me greatly. I only have one album (farstrucker) but it is very funny and not terrible musicwise either. I happened upon them randomly while listening to the Lordi discography in prepartion for their upcoming concert. they were just below the last Lordi album in my play list (we have over 80 gigs of music, stumbling upon something I haven't heard before is not that uncommon). Anyway - the first song is about sex, the third one ( I believe) is about doggie-style in particular. and a bunch of the others are all about sex or drugs. My favourite tho is "I Like It" which I won't describe because it will ruin it - its funny and worth finding. Kinda like Peaches but a lot less scary.
Nothing else new to report really... I really want to see Buck 65 live again but only if he will play his old albums only. And actually fucking swear. Edited Centaur - not cool man!

I hate/love spending half my day trying to look busy. Its gets hard after a couple hours. But working those hours would probably be harder eh?

*loki loves* to all (well those of you that don't SUCK anyway)