Buck 65. Specifically This Right Here is Buck 65. More Specifically "Phil" & "Wicked & Weird".
They are my ultimate happy songs somehow. I don't really know why but everytime I hear them I feel my shoulders relax a little and my head feels less heavy...
Wicked I understand - its so happy & free but Phil is just comforting in a totally different way. Like having a trusted elder tell you it will all work out - I can believe this guy for some reason. I think it has something to do with seeing him live - he's such an honest guy. Well he kinda looked really really nervous at first but when he is performing it looks like he means every word - its pretty impressive whether its an act or not. If it is I am impressed by his acting, if it isn't I am impressed with his passion. Either way, one of my favourite shows ever!

They are my ultimate happy songs somehow. I don't really know why but everytime I hear them I feel my shoulders relax a little and my head feels less heavy...

Teach me the secret handshake!