"i told you i wouldn't interfere in your lives unless you were fucking up... and you're FUCKING up..."
well, the weekend started out okay... i had saturday off and when clint got off work, we drove to norman to do some shopping... he bought me a bunch of M.A.C. makeup... i swear, those girls know how to make a sale! then, we went and got a few things for him before heading down to blanchard...
the quotation above is what we were met with there... that was his stepmom... i don't know what the hell her problem is... the only thing she concerns herself about REALLY is her real daughter and her grandkids... then his dad started in on clint and made a pointed comment about how when he was younger, he made a decision that "no woman was ever gonna run his life"... ha haha ha HA HA ha... riiiiiiiight....
so after about an hour of this, even though it was late and we had planned to stay the night, we drove the 70 miles back home...
we really don't need this right now... i understand their not wanting us to leave, but the thing that pisses me off is that they wouldn't mind us leaving the state... just us going back to tennessee... which i think is really stupid and selfish... but, his whole family is selfish... they'll be supportive of him, but only if he is in this state... it's not right...
"wish you kids would give it another year..."
why? so we can spend another year being miserable and not feeling safe? not making jack shit for a living?
i don't know... it's just really stressful and we don't need it right now...
2 weeks...
oh, and i absolutely love my new gryffindor wife beater... too damn cute!
much love
well, the weekend started out okay... i had saturday off and when clint got off work, we drove to norman to do some shopping... he bought me a bunch of M.A.C. makeup... i swear, those girls know how to make a sale! then, we went and got a few things for him before heading down to blanchard...
the quotation above is what we were met with there... that was his stepmom... i don't know what the hell her problem is... the only thing she concerns herself about REALLY is her real daughter and her grandkids... then his dad started in on clint and made a pointed comment about how when he was younger, he made a decision that "no woman was ever gonna run his life"... ha haha ha HA HA ha... riiiiiiiight....
so after about an hour of this, even though it was late and we had planned to stay the night, we drove the 70 miles back home...
we really don't need this right now... i understand their not wanting us to leave, but the thing that pisses me off is that they wouldn't mind us leaving the state... just us going back to tennessee... which i think is really stupid and selfish... but, his whole family is selfish... they'll be supportive of him, but only if he is in this state... it's not right...
"wish you kids would give it another year..."
why? so we can spend another year being miserable and not feeling safe? not making jack shit for a living?
i don't know... it's just really stressful and we don't need it right now...
2 weeks...
oh, and i absolutely love my new gryffindor wife beater... too damn cute!
much love

Yes we will keep in touch, sounds good!

Yeah no kidding, save me some time!!! hehhehe