it's almost xmas and i'm depressed... this is the first year that i'm not in the same state as anyone in my family... it's a little strange... went to a cookout last night and watched a bunch of guys play need for speed underground all night... won't get to start p.t. for another week now... the place is all booked up through the holidays... still can't walk without the crutches... i'm getting a little nervous about starting the therapy... not worried about it hurting so much as me hurting my leg doing the exercises... i REALLY don't trust my leg yet... and i'm scared shitless of breaking it again...
thanks. i wrote that after an email my friend sent to me. she lives in the city, and rides the bus to work. she's always coming up with the best stuff to write about because of it. she just happen to inspire me that day.
Hey miss ivyseer!!!! So you live in shawnee huh? I go there sometimes when I want to hunt down Brad Pitts family! hehehhehehhe. Good to see more people from OKlahoma here!