Wow.... I really do suck at this.... lol
Lets see since May....
Had back surgery...
The Machine Gun Shoot went great after the cancelled one in April (flooding, first time in 30+ years) lots of people and lots of new shooters....
Meet Between the Buried and Me last month at their show in Columbus, it was part of contest I won where you submit an artistic interpretation of their newest ablum "Colors", the guys were very gracious and hanging out with them was very cool.... here is the interpretation website:
I wrote (short story) a piece for each song that connected into an overall interpretation based on the song and the accompanying art interpretation. The winning one was included with the live "Colors" DVD that came out last month.
I have to say it was an honor to win as they are I believe one of the most talented bands out there today and to have anything associated with them is just cool as hell.
What else lets see...
If you have not seen the movie "OldBoy" see it... and watch it in the original Korean with the English subtitles any other way is just to horrible to talk about... this movie easily took its place in my top five and stayed with me for days...
Dying to see "My Name is Bruce" considering driving to Columbus to see it... Bruce Campbell is a god.... well at least he has the chin of one... .
Big Bang Theory and Chuck continue to be the only bright spots in the TV wasteland...
I am currently starting my annual reading of Terry Pratchetts the "HOGFATHER"... this will be I think the 11th or 12th reading... this book continues to be amazing.... it was also made into an excellent film... if you have never checked it out it will change the way you look at Christmas and related anthropomorphic personifications forever... DEATH as Santa Claus nuff said....
Nothing new on the significant other front... still taking applications...
Lets see since May....
Had back surgery...
The Machine Gun Shoot went great after the cancelled one in April (flooding, first time in 30+ years) lots of people and lots of new shooters....
Meet Between the Buried and Me last month at their show in Columbus, it was part of contest I won where you submit an artistic interpretation of their newest ablum "Colors", the guys were very gracious and hanging out with them was very cool.... here is the interpretation website:
I wrote (short story) a piece for each song that connected into an overall interpretation based on the song and the accompanying art interpretation. The winning one was included with the live "Colors" DVD that came out last month.
I have to say it was an honor to win as they are I believe one of the most talented bands out there today and to have anything associated with them is just cool as hell.
What else lets see...
If you have not seen the movie "OldBoy" see it... and watch it in the original Korean with the English subtitles any other way is just to horrible to talk about... this movie easily took its place in my top five and stayed with me for days...
Dying to see "My Name is Bruce" considering driving to Columbus to see it... Bruce Campbell is a god.... well at least he has the chin of one... .
Big Bang Theory and Chuck continue to be the only bright spots in the TV wasteland...
I am currently starting my annual reading of Terry Pratchetts the "HOGFATHER"... this will be I think the 11th or 12th reading... this book continues to be amazing.... it was also made into an excellent film... if you have never checked it out it will change the way you look at Christmas and related anthropomorphic personifications forever... DEATH as Santa Claus nuff said....
Nothing new on the significant other front... still taking applications...