New addiction: Tatankas. mix a generous amount of this polish "buffalo" vodka with apple juice and prepare to lose your mind. bad stuff. the vodka has this grass in it, the favorite of the polish bison (who knew?) and it has psychoactive properties, meaning that it kicks your ass.
But anyway, I am now living nicely and happily in Berlin, fixin' up my german, and...
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But anyway, I am now living nicely and happily in Berlin, fixin' up my german, and...
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vodka is gods gift to earth
My cure for depression: spending lots of money and getting blitzed on spliffs made from clove cigarettes and hash.
It worked nicely. Of course i stuffed myself silly on crazy mini-pizzas and Turkish boerek.
But i am no longer depressed. now I am just ill.
But anyway, I am all ready to start classes, and i am off to anexpat karaoke party tonight, should be...
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It worked nicely. Of course i stuffed myself silly on crazy mini-pizzas and Turkish boerek.
But i am no longer depressed. now I am just ill.
But anyway, I am all ready to start classes, and i am off to anexpat karaoke party tonight, should be...
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Depression sucks.
Here's a tip: If you are being treated for clinical depression, don't go off your medication just before embarking on a very cool but garaunteed-stressful trip of unknown length.
here's another tip: Don't isolate yourself from everyone you care about.
This is ridiculous: I have everthing I could ask for, everything I have worked hard for and it all seems so empty and...
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Here's a tip: If you are being treated for clinical depression, don't go off your medication just before embarking on a very cool but garaunteed-stressful trip of unknown length.
here's another tip: Don't isolate yourself from everyone you care about.
This is ridiculous: I have everthing I could ask for, everything I have worked hard for and it all seems so empty and...
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Let`s hear it for bureaucracy! Gotoa register with the city and get my student visa and all that happy crappy. But who can complain when the place is just so damned nice? Im sleeping in the basement of an American\English bookstore--Books IN Berlin, if you are ever in Berlin, check it out. Great place, lots of nice people. 69 Goethestrasse.
What a lovely day. The...
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What a lovely day. The...
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Berlin brings me much happiness. cheap, plentiful weed. and beer. and i found a room today and i can move into a place and see about getting internet. Ahh. The life of the expat suits me. Woo Hoo!!!
Let's see. where can I start my adventures?
Ummm. arriving in Warsaw at 10:00 am, walking around for 14 hours then leaving on a train and being...
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Let's see. where can I start my adventures?
Ummm. arriving in Warsaw at 10:00 am, walking around for 14 hours then leaving on a train and being...
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Im BAAAACK! Im in Berlin after a month of drunkenness in St. Petersburg, getting thrown off trains by bordergaurds in Belarus, eating fried bread and garlic, and avoiding the police like the plague. ah, what a life. I will be updating the stories in more detail as i go. anyway, it's good to be back in civilization.
Berlin Baby!!!!
Man, i missed this place. I've only been here 12 hours, but man, i'm happy to be back. im here 4 days till i leave for points eastward. . .1 month in St. Petersburg with my ex-fiance. . .Hmmm. . .
Can we say drama??
well. I am totally into this, though. not knowing when i'm going home, and being on the lam....
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Man, i missed this place. I've only been here 12 hours, but man, i'm happy to be back. im here 4 days till i leave for points eastward. . .1 month in St. Petersburg with my ex-fiance. . .Hmmm. . .
Can we say drama??
well. I am totally into this, though. not knowing when i'm going home, and being on the lam....
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I just wanted to drop a note to a fellow Coralvillian... Maybe when (if) you get back we will run into each other before the man locks your ass up. Good luck!
Ok, so here's the scoop. I'm selling my condo, i have to be out by tomorrow and i have half a house full of shit to move. this is my last word here for a ehil, so I will see you later.
I will pop into every Intgernet cafe i can find in warsaw/St. Petersburg/Berlin and check up. If anyone ever reads this.
Oh well....
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I will pop into every Intgernet cafe i can find in warsaw/St. Petersburg/Berlin and check up. If anyone ever reads this.
Oh well....
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Moving is a pain in the ass, all that packing and unpacking, ugh. I feel for ya.
Thanks again for the birthday wishes and the spankings.
Talk to you later,
- Noir
Thanks again for the birthday wishes and the spankings.

Talk to you later,
- Noir
Awwww yeah. . .
I'm gettin lyrical, kickin it tight and grammical
My punctuation is bordering on flammable!
A semi-colon, apostrophe, a comma
A semi-colon, apostrophe, a comma
A-with a yo-ho post-it there's a ho on the flo'
and by the end of my rhyme there's gonna be ten mo'
I got cooties y'all, i got cooties y'all,
I got cooties from Rudy's big old...
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I'm gettin lyrical, kickin it tight and grammical
My punctuation is bordering on flammable!
A semi-colon, apostrophe, a comma
A semi-colon, apostrophe, a comma
A-with a yo-ho post-it there's a ho on the flo'
and by the end of my rhyme there's gonna be ten mo'
I got cooties y'all, i got cooties y'all,
I got cooties from Rudy's big old...
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funny games rules!!!
Much less bitter today, although i had a bit of a panic attack this morning, trying to get everything ready for the sale of my condo.
I got over it though.
Had a fucked up night last night.
Went to a bar with my buddy, had some beers, then this girl comes in, an old student of mine (i was a German TA at the...
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I got over it though.
Had a fucked up night last night.
Went to a bar with my buddy, had some beers, then this girl comes in, an old student of mine (i was a German TA at the...
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Silly boy, at 25 you should know that women make no sense what so ever. I'm 23 and I already know that my purpose as a woman is to drive men nuts..they clue us in when hit our 16th birthday..we get a little book a membership card and everything! swak