in the end, we're all just out to please ourselves.
the only person whose happiness ever matters is our own.
when someone says "i'm happy if so-and-so is happy," isn't that an admission that they do things that please so-and-so simply because it, in the end, makes themselves happy?
well hello there, SG land. i have returned to you.
for how long, we cannot say, but rest assured that once i have more money and have collected my blog entries and whatnot, then i shall reappear as someone completely new. for now though, i have returned.
so many interesting things to say!
i bought a nerf rifle.
my fish died.
i've had a lot of juice.
the smoke shop i go to has been out of djarum blacks for a good four or five days and i'm fiending something horrid.
comrade snarkys fish just jumped out of his bowl and he has now been renamed "Tardicus" in honor of this bold... Read More
I'm not into wine anymore. I used to like it, but the last few times I've hated. Probably shouldn't have started out with Miller Lite in the lobby at the wedding reception.
my heart's been really heavy recently.
thoughts of what's ging to last and what is only temporary drive me crazy, and that's what seems to run through my mind more then most things.
wondering what's a show and what's genuine.
it hurts, and the impending break doesn't do me any good either.
i feel like i have to stay to keep you close, because if... Read More
We are best friends, no matter what happens we will always be close and you should know that by now. So stop whining and enjoy the fact that this dude so desperately wishes he was you.
happy birthday gen
it's your 1 year anniversay of your 21st birthday
which makes it more of a reason to celebrate out at the bar tonight.
::bros:: to you