Wednesday Jul 07, 2004 Jul 7, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email Alright! I'm still here. I've simply chosen to stay around (and also try to make more use of this journal). And wow, I got a friend request (she sounds interesting). raleighboy: Damn! you got a request? Damn! Luck bastard. P.S. I was just joking of course. It's good to see NC folks in here, especially from Raleigh. I'm surprised you didn't pic Zui to be one of your favs. Nov 4, 2004 ms_bliss: hello, i was just looking at your website, very nice looking! what is the artwork on your webcam? is that at your house? very cool. Dec 1, 2004
what is the artwork on your webcam? is that at your house? very cool.