Are you supposed to update this thing often?

I moved to a new place. It is rather charming with many trees and a courtyard.
yeah you should update more often.
You should have gone, it was pretty cool. What shows three shows did you see in a row?
Alright! I'm still here. I've simply chosen to stay around (and also try to make more use of this journal).

And wow, I got a friend request (she sounds interesting).
Damn! you got a request? Damn! Luck bastard. P.S. I was just joking of course. It's good to see NC folks in here, especially from Raleigh. I'm surprised you didn't pic Zui to be one of your favs.
hello, i was just looking at your website, very nice looking!

what is the artwork on your webcam? is that at your house? very cool.
I will miss you all, not that I have found you...but alas, the pay checks just aren't coming quite as fast as they should.

(but I'm secretly going to try and hang around)
hey, i just joined, and cruising through looking for people to add as friends.