Okay so I haven't done one of these yet but I've never really had anything to say. I just want an outlet for frustration right now.
It's probably just trivial but there's something I really really really hate...UNIFORMS!!! >_<
Okay, so obviuously if you work for a company, that company wants its customers to know you're apart of it and not just a random that's fiddling around with things.
Here's the story..
Right, first off, I work in a game shop. SWEET!! Dream job! Yeah...
Well, my store is sort of like a concession store. It's a store within a store. When I signed up to work there, our store was GameStation! Which was my favourite game shop. We were however situated inside a giant Blockbuster Store! Blockbuster used to own GameStation ya see!
Now, fast forward to when GAME (bastards) bought over GameStation. We all thought 2 things.
1. We're now going to be working for GAME.
2. We're all out of a job!
Unfortunately, it was number 3. We'd now be under Blockbuster!!
Argh!! >_<
I frickin' hate Blockbuster as a company! They are so CORPORATE!!! Mind you, so are GAME, but at least they are the UK's biggest and most respected video game retailler!
But Blockbuster! Don't they just rent Videoes?
Well they were already getting into the video game market, although quite unsuccessfully!
So when GAME bought over GameStation, they didn't want the concession stores (there are 34 in the UK). So Blockbuster had just aquired 34 stores that they had no idea what to do with. Would they just make us a giant Blockbuster store? Or some new company all together?
Well, they sort of did both!!
Over the coming months there was going to be a rebranding. Now me and fellow employee Sean had some great names!
We wanted to be called GamesWorld! And when we answered the phone it would go a bit like this;
"GamesWorld, GamesWorld, Gaming Time, Excellent! WEE-OOH, WEE-OOH, WEE-OOH!! How may I help?"
Oh the hillarity!!
Either that or GameBusters!!
"If you got no games, in your neighbourhood, who ya gonna call? GAMEBUSTERS!! If you wanna trade, cuz you're low on dough, who can ya call? GAMEBUSTERS!!"
Just ANYTHING that wasn't BLOCKBUSTER!! So here's what happened. 2 high up people got together and had a little conversation reminiscent of that Orange advert for Orange Wednesdays.
"Okay, we have these new stores that only sell GAMES"
"Right, so we need a name that tells people what we're about"
"Exactly, we're about GAMES"
"Yes, and we're Blockbuster..."
"I could kiss you...."
That's the genius at work. Blockbuster Games. That's the best they could come up with. Good god save us all!
So anyways, the thing I liked the most about being under the GameStation banner, is it felt like a community for gamers. Our "uniform" was just a gaming T-Shirt (which most of my T-shirts were made up of anyways). Customers felt like they could come chat to us about games and get an honest and fair response. Which they could! I'd regularly inform customers that they game they came up with was in fact SHITE and they should avoid it like a plague of penis eating locusts. At Blockbuster, we get "Record of Meeting"'s if we do that for being too "Negative" and "Impacting Sales".
I'm sorry, but if I was a customer, I'd much rather be told that the game I was going to spend my hard earned 45 on was shite than waste all that money.
I'd much rather have the customer go home without spending a penny this time and think "hey, I trust these guys opinions and I'm gonna shop here from now on cuz they know what they're talking about"
So what if we didn't make that extra 45 THAT day, from now on that customer will buy ALL his games from us! And that's what GameStation was all about! The customer service.
Now Blockbuster, nah nah nah. Ya can't DO that! Even if someone comes up with a game that has been rated WORST GAME EVER, you have to be positive about it, even LIE saying you've played it and it's great!!! Bollocks!!
So anyway, now that my store has become more bastardized (or Blockbusterized), they've seen how our lack of a "Uniform" is "a barrier" that prevents customers being able to approach us. WTF!?!? So they want us all to wear the Blockbuster uniform. That ugly Blue Shirts with the little Blockbuster logo on the sleeve and NAME BADGES!!!
Oh god!! Not Again!!
I've worked for Big W and ASDA and I\'ve had to wear the horrible itchy crappy polo shirts with name badges and there's no way I'm doing that again! I've had to work in an office and do the whole shirt and tie thing and I don't wanna do that either! I liked the fact that I could just go to work in jeans and a t-shirt and feel casual and relaxed rather than have a corporate cock up my ass!
Sorry, I just HATE uniforms! I understand them sure, but I just hate them!
I think if they actually decided to spend a little bit of money, maybe cuz us all black t-shirt or black shirts that said Blockbuster Games and Staff on the back, then maybe I'd compromise. That at least seperates us from the other side of the store that just deals with the movies. 34 stores in the uk. possible 7 members of staff or less in each store. Maybe 2 shirts for each member of staff. That's what, less than 500 shirts!!! I mean that's nothing! Why can't they just set aside a little money for us? Money hugging bastards!
Okay so I haven't done one of these yet but I've never really had anything to say. I just want an outlet for frustration right now.
It's probably just trivial but there's something I really really really hate...UNIFORMS!!! >_<
Okay, so obviuously if you work for a company, that company wants its customers to know you're apart of it and not just a random that's fiddling around with things.
Here's the story..
Right, first off, I work in a game shop. SWEET!! Dream job! Yeah...
Well, my store is sort of like a concession store. It's a store within a store. When I signed up to work there, our store was GameStation! Which was my favourite game shop. We were however situated inside a giant Blockbuster Store! Blockbuster used to own GameStation ya see!
Now, fast forward to when GAME (bastards) bought over GameStation. We all thought 2 things.
1. We're now going to be working for GAME.
2. We're all out of a job!
Unfortunately, it was number 3. We'd now be under Blockbuster!!
Argh!! >_<
I frickin' hate Blockbuster as a company! They are so CORPORATE!!! Mind you, so are GAME, but at least they are the UK's biggest and most respected video game retailler!
But Blockbuster! Don't they just rent Videoes?
Well they were already getting into the video game market, although quite unsuccessfully!
So when GAME bought over GameStation, they didn't want the concession stores (there are 34 in the UK). So Blockbuster had just aquired 34 stores that they had no idea what to do with. Would they just make us a giant Blockbuster store? Or some new company all together?
Well, they sort of did both!!
Over the coming months there was going to be a rebranding. Now me and fellow employee Sean had some great names!
We wanted to be called GamesWorld! And when we answered the phone it would go a bit like this;
"GamesWorld, GamesWorld, Gaming Time, Excellent! WEE-OOH, WEE-OOH, WEE-OOH!! How may I help?"
Oh the hillarity!!
Either that or GameBusters!!
"If you got no games, in your neighbourhood, who ya gonna call? GAMEBUSTERS!! If you wanna trade, cuz you're low on dough, who can ya call? GAMEBUSTERS!!"
Just ANYTHING that wasn't BLOCKBUSTER!! So here's what happened. 2 high up people got together and had a little conversation reminiscent of that Orange advert for Orange Wednesdays.
"Okay, we have these new stores that only sell GAMES"
"Right, so we need a name that tells people what we're about"
"Exactly, we're about GAMES"
"Yes, and we're Blockbuster..."
"I could kiss you...."
That's the genius at work. Blockbuster Games. That's the best they could come up with. Good god save us all!
So anyways, the thing I liked the most about being under the GameStation banner, is it felt like a community for gamers. Our "uniform" was just a gaming T-Shirt (which most of my T-shirts were made up of anyways). Customers felt like they could come chat to us about games and get an honest and fair response. Which they could! I'd regularly inform customers that they game they came up with was in fact SHITE and they should avoid it like a plague of penis eating locusts. At Blockbuster, we get "Record of Meeting"'s if we do that for being too "Negative" and "Impacting Sales".
I'm sorry, but if I was a customer, I'd much rather be told that the game I was going to spend my hard earned 45 on was shite than waste all that money.
I'd much rather have the customer go home without spending a penny this time and think "hey, I trust these guys opinions and I'm gonna shop here from now on cuz they know what they're talking about"
So what if we didn't make that extra 45 THAT day, from now on that customer will buy ALL his games from us! And that's what GameStation was all about! The customer service.
Now Blockbuster, nah nah nah. Ya can't DO that! Even if someone comes up with a game that has been rated WORST GAME EVER, you have to be positive about it, even LIE saying you've played it and it's great!!! Bollocks!!
So anyway, now that my store has become more bastardized (or Blockbusterized), they've seen how our lack of a "Uniform" is "a barrier" that prevents customers being able to approach us. WTF!?!? So they want us all to wear the Blockbuster uniform. That ugly Blue Shirts with the little Blockbuster logo on the sleeve and NAME BADGES!!!
Oh god!! Not Again!!
I've worked for Big W and ASDA and I\'ve had to wear the horrible itchy crappy polo shirts with name badges and there's no way I'm doing that again! I've had to work in an office and do the whole shirt and tie thing and I don't wanna do that either! I liked the fact that I could just go to work in jeans and a t-shirt and feel casual and relaxed rather than have a corporate cock up my ass!
Sorry, I just HATE uniforms! I understand them sure, but I just hate them!
I think if they actually decided to spend a little bit of money, maybe cuz us all black t-shirt or black shirts that said Blockbuster Games and Staff on the back, then maybe I'd compromise. That at least seperates us from the other side of the store that just deals with the movies. 34 stores in the uk. possible 7 members of staff or less in each store. Maybe 2 shirts for each member of staff. That's what, less than 500 shirts!!! I mean that's nothing! Why can't they just set aside a little money for us? Money hugging bastards!
Holy shit! Hows it going dude?
thanks so much sweets!!