Don't you just hate it when you go back to work and everything has just gone down the shitter?

Seriously I think my store is going under.

Need to get off this sinking ship.

Just had an awesome holiday in Dubai.

Unfortunately my body isn't used to 40+ degrees!

So I got burnt on my arms and legs. My legs look purple and my arms are starting to peal.

Good times!
God I'm freakin' bored.

Gonna waste some time typing some shit.

don't really use the blog on here as I haven't been bothered to add any friends to read it. But I'm THAT bored I'm just gonna start typing any way to pass the time.

Well, last time I ended up posting random rubbish was back in February. Ah yes, lot happened since then.

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Okay so I haven't done one of these yet but I've never really had anything to say. I just want an outlet for frustration right now.

It's probably just trivial but there's something I really really really hate...UNIFORMS!!! >_<

Okay, so obviuously if you work for a company, that company wants its customers to know you're apart of it and not just a random...
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Holy shit! Hows it going dude? biggrin
thanks so much sweets!!