Hello, my loves!
First, I submitted a new photoset and hopefully it'll be posted SOON! I have also booked 3 more photoshoots this month that will all be submitted to SG and I'm so excited for you all to see it!
The real reason for this post though is that I'm in need of a new computer to edit this content! I have 2 hours worth of sexy footage to put together and my computer crapped out on me. Sooooooo I'm thinking of doing a giveaway and wanted to know your thoughts.
Here's my idea....
For every $5 you tip, you get entered into a raffle. Once I reach my goal of $900 which will all be used to replace my computer, I'll pick the winner of the raffle. The winner will receive three 30 minute videos(1 of which can be a custom!) and a custom photoset(20 photos)
Let me know what you think! If you have any suggestions, I'm all for it. I'm hoping to get this mula raised by October 23rd.