(Boring story alert: If you have better things to do with your time - do not read on)
God I am such an idiot sometimes. Tonight is one of those sometimes. I was invited to go and see my work colleague's band at a pub in the city. Well I was having a really flat day, and I really didn't feel up to going out, especially because it was cold outside and I've been thinking I really should watch City of God, or immerse myself in the first series of Carnivale. But I decided no I really would like to see the band, and I'd regret it if I didn't, because it's the first time I've really had a chance to break out of the crappy social circles I'm stuck in. So I went into the city and into the pub.
Well the pub was awesome, there was an art exhibition upstairs, and bands outside, and there were really cool people around everywhere (which is totally where I want to be, not at the surfy/footy pub that my high school friends have been making me go to since I moved to Sydney). Anyway, as much as I'm loving the pub, I'm feeling really awkward and shy for being there by myself (given that the guy from work is onstage), I'm a bit cold and underdressed and sleepy and just generally not up to being there, so I decide that I'll go and sit in a chair by a heater, off to the side of the courtyard and just chill. And I'm watching the band, and enjoying myself as much as I can, but I'm really ready to go home. Then a really, really cute girl who is completely my type, comes and stands next to me, and starts talking to me, and I'm chatting back a little although I'm really not in the mood for talking much. Then she tells me that I'm sitting in the chair that she was sitting in before. Well stupid me, I just say, "that's okay, you can have the chair back, I'm about to go anyway" And then I just jumped up and practically ran away, I left so fast. Anyway, as I'm leaving the pub it's dawning on me what just happened, and I'm kicking myself the whole way home for being such an idiot. Why do I always do things like this to myself? Here I had my first chance since I moved to Sydney to talk to the kind of girl I'd like to get to know, or at least just make a friend and I bloody run away.
God I am such an idiot sometimes. Tonight is one of those sometimes. I was invited to go and see my work colleague's band at a pub in the city. Well I was having a really flat day, and I really didn't feel up to going out, especially because it was cold outside and I've been thinking I really should watch City of God, or immerse myself in the first series of Carnivale. But I decided no I really would like to see the band, and I'd regret it if I didn't, because it's the first time I've really had a chance to break out of the crappy social circles I'm stuck in. So I went into the city and into the pub.
Well the pub was awesome, there was an art exhibition upstairs, and bands outside, and there were really cool people around everywhere (which is totally where I want to be, not at the surfy/footy pub that my high school friends have been making me go to since I moved to Sydney). Anyway, as much as I'm loving the pub, I'm feeling really awkward and shy for being there by myself (given that the guy from work is onstage), I'm a bit cold and underdressed and sleepy and just generally not up to being there, so I decide that I'll go and sit in a chair by a heater, off to the side of the courtyard and just chill. And I'm watching the band, and enjoying myself as much as I can, but I'm really ready to go home. Then a really, really cute girl who is completely my type, comes and stands next to me, and starts talking to me, and I'm chatting back a little although I'm really not in the mood for talking much. Then she tells me that I'm sitting in the chair that she was sitting in before. Well stupid me, I just say, "that's okay, you can have the chair back, I'm about to go anyway" And then I just jumped up and practically ran away, I left so fast. Anyway, as I'm leaving the pub it's dawning on me what just happened, and I'm kicking myself the whole way home for being such an idiot. Why do I always do things like this to myself? Here I had my first chance since I moved to Sydney to talk to the kind of girl I'd like to get to know, or at least just make a friend and I bloody run away.