1. What is the color of your hairbrush? I have multiple black combs but no brushes.

2. Name a food you never ever eat: Baked Beans

3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? Usually very warm. Especially at work

4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? Eating tacos 🌮

5. What is your favorite candy bar? Cadbury’s Boost for me

6. Have...
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This is one of those songs that has helped me no end in recent years.

I love Blue October and their powerful lyrics. If your feeling down there see if this helps you.

love to all in these difficult times



So its been a while since I last posted.

so I am still about and have been checking in but this have been more difficult of late.

I’ve been spending a lot of time with my family to help improve a reducing mood. It’s great to get in and do things but when I’m alone it’s can be very difficult at the moment.

I wouldn’t
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I hope things start to improve for you and that you’re getting the support you need ✨ we are happy to have you here! 💕
Thank you @imaredhead and @risky. I’m getting there and getting some support doing a CBT course at the moment. I’ve spent years hiding away and not even talking those who are close to me about how I am and feeling and my issues. Major steps this year. XxX

Well lockdown continues and I can’t wait to see a few more people now that the UK has allowed 6 people to meet in an open space.

This means I am 1 step closer to being back with these beautiful people.

I have been really missing my House of Pixi Burlesque family! I want to get back together and really start to work towards our
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Cool pic!
@juicyvonmary thanks

Fear has dominated my feeling today.

I am an active person. Recently I have been walking a lot of doing circus practice every day I get the chance.

Today fear overwhelmed me. My anxiety and fear took hold of my an rendered me unable to motivate to get off the sofa. I went for a short walk this morning but couldn’t face any more.

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