Its strange, You want something long enough and you are tired of that empty hole in you life. There is the answer or more or less a answer and your afraid to take it cause of one what people may think or two that things may just go terribly wrong. But risk are something you just have to take in life and if you dont take them then later on down the road you will sit and wonder what would have happend if you did take the risk. I dont want to spend my life wondering what if. So then it goes to the first problem what people may think. You tell yourself that you dont care what others think, and that is true in the most part, but there are the one or two people in your life who's opinion of you does matter and ya know it. So what is it? Take the answer or not, It would make you so happy if just for a moment in your life and you know more than anything you long to be happy if just for that moment. But then when your answer dies out you know you'll be back in the same boat you are in now and just as unhappy and alone as before. If ya dont take it you continue to be just the same but you saved yourself the greif of hearing the lectures of thoughs who do matter to you, and there could be another answer further down the road, or mabey there will not be an answer after this one and you are ment to feel the way you do now. Your so cold and empty, but is it really worth it to fill the hole. I cant figure that out right now at all.
*hugs* aussie sweetie, You know what you want in this situation and if you really just ask yourself one question" is it right for me? and only you know that answer. for what its worth, i will support whatever decision that you make cuz i love you to pieces and im here no matter what
you should call me when you feel like this, I promise to try and make you feel