classes are finally over with for the semester. Yes its great. I'm bored out of my mind, but thats a good thing to me. I need it I think. lol.
Oh my band is also recording for the winter break. should be some good stuff. hopefully. We layed down the scratch track and the drums and im already excited.
Oh my band is also recording for the winter break. should be some good stuff. hopefully. We layed down the scratch track and the drums and im already excited.
You deserve the break! I know that Jake will be happy to have one! Im glad that your band is getting to do that you guys have such talent! I wish i had an off day to come visit with you guys my next schedule I will not plan so many work days i just need the xmas money! I got Jake the New Final Fantasy Game for playstation, the Game Prey for his X-box 360 that his parents are getting him and a Silent HIll comic book he wanted.. IM just so glad i can finally get him something he will like!