I hate my teacher! Not only did we have a test last week in a class that only meets once a week, but we have a test this week too. So thats two test in a row. Then she informs me tuesday that my project that is due on the 16th, thats next week is due after the test today. So I have had to study for a test and rush to do a project on a UGI series with a Zinker's pouch that I had not even taken any radiographs for untill yesterday. I swear I want to strangle that woman so bad.
How was everyone elses week?
How was everyone elses week?

Things are good. I feel almost dirty or something though
I'm not a materialistic type of person but I'm lovin this big screen I just got! Its awsome. I cant wait to get off work to smoke pot and play video games
hehehe Have a good weekend man!

aww im sorry aussie
i love you tho!