Yesterday was undeniably the worst day of my life. Today is unfolding about the same, minus the cemetery, the long drive and the crazy family. I can't even speak without beginning to cry. I don't know how I'm going to work tonight...
For my Dad's headstone:
Embrace this joy, this pain
Don't miss this chance, it will not come again
You mean more than you...
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For my Dad's headstone:
Embrace this joy, this pain
Don't miss this chance, it will not come again
You mean more than you...
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It'll be okay.
Well,I hope you know that there are a number of people here that are willing to help you deal with this any time or any way that you need.........
My computer moniter hates me, I think. It made this wicked frying noise, and shut itself off, and now it wont stay on for more than like 15 seconds at a time... GARG! Anyone have a moniter I could borrow for a few weeks?
Things are... ok. I went down to So Cal to visit the wife of one of the friend that was mentioned...
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Things are... ok. I went down to So Cal to visit the wife of one of the friend that was mentioned...
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Sorry about the monitor, my computer is acting fucked up too. Don't feel bad for leaving, because that kind of thing happens to the best of us. You're a great person, & i hope everything works out for the best. She's lucky to have a person like you there when she needed it most.
You still interested in lunch or something this week sometime? I was a little worried i'd pissed you off. And if you need help moving anything, feel free to hit me up.
You still interested in lunch or something this week sometime? I was a little worried i'd pissed you off. And if you need help moving anything, feel free to hit me up.

Yeah, sometimes people can be literally too much with their sorrow...
or whatever.
I've found myself fleeing it desperately before.
Have fun. I don't know of Chow Nasty, but it's a great name.
or whatever.
I've found myself fleeing it desperately before.
Have fun. I don't know of Chow Nasty, but it's a great name.

I woke up in massive panic attack and I dont know why. Damn. Now I cant go back to sleep.
I talked to my god son this morning. I might bring him to stay with me for a bit. Its really weird how clear his understanding of what happened is. He told me this morning that he isnt worried because he knows his daddy is...
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I talked to my god son this morning. I might bring him to stay with me for a bit. Its really weird how clear his understanding of what happened is. He told me this morning that he isnt worried because he knows his daddy is...
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Hey... You know, there is never anything that is "right" to say to someone when they lose someone close to them. The best I can usually come up with is to say "hang in there" and rely on the people you do have in your life to lend their support, which it sounds like you're doing. That's one heck of a kid - your godchild. How good of you to consider having him stay with you for a bit. That diversion could be really good for him.
So in an effort to divert your thoughts, here is a picture of a cute puppy (MY puppy, Lucky)!

Always works for me...
So in an effort to divert your thoughts, here is a picture of a cute puppy (MY puppy, Lucky)!

Always works for me...
awesome. let's do this then. PM me and we'll discuss. I don't know how the others are playin it
Just got a phone call. A really good friend of mine in Oregon was hit by a drunk driver. He's listed as critical right now. Not expected to make it through the night.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
Why do bad things happen to good people?

Im so sorry. Were all here for you if you need to talk or anything else.
i am sprry to hear bout your friend... but i have learn one thing and it is that sometimes bad things happen to good people for US around them learn to enjoy life alittle more and for them to know the value of life....

I DO NOT like the new layout 
So I have to go to my doctor (in Sac) either thursday or friday to pick up a heart moniter, wear the damn thing for a full 24 hours, then return it. So I have to drive up, get it, come home, then turn around and drive back the next day. I think I might just get a...
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So I have to go to my doctor (in Sac) either thursday or friday to pick up a heart moniter, wear the damn thing for a full 24 hours, then return it. So I have to drive up, get it, come home, then turn around and drive back the next day. I think I might just get a...
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yum yum. miso.
how about tom kar gai?
how about tom kar gai?
I'm not a coconut guy at all. but coconut milk is a different story altogether. yum yum.
try tortilla soup. I bet that's relatively easy to make. yuuum. yum.
try tortilla soup. I bet that's relatively easy to make. yuuum. yum.
I drank all the rum in the world last night

Thank you so much for the congrats! And I hope you didn't mind me putting that about you not saying anything, I didn't mean to imply that you would, I had just already told Jay...well really sworn Jay to secrecy lol.

Thank you darling!
Someone had to say it