Why does everyone think that just because I ride a beat up bike and have tats I do drugs? That fucking pisses me off. Almost as much as when I misplace my crack pipe.... where the fuck did I put that thing....
So, I'm on my bike more now since gas prices are high and my bike gets 40+mpg. Today I am riding threw downtown Portsmouth (our yuppie city) and I almost get hit by some "women" who was driving with her elbows as she drank her coffee and talked on her phone. When I pulled up next to her Jaguar and said "don't worry about my... Read More
This sucks I now have too many fire hot kittens as friends that I can't llok at them all at once. Welcome Kiva and Lost_Dai to the Loaded Dice, Inc. main stage!
I would like to bring a motion to the floor that no one under the age of 35 is to be refered to as "Old School." 3 years ago I was "Old Fashion" now I'm "Old School." I'd rather be "Old Fashion" than a fashion catch phrase. I bring this to the floor for vote. FUCK FASHION!