"Mais qu'arrive-t-il quand un tre humain est bout de forces? [...] Les yeux se fatiguent force de regarder en face. Rochers gris, basalte bleu, dsesprment douloureux. Si l'on regarde longtemps l'eau noire, rapide, brise de reflets, on a le vertige et l'on prouve quelque chose qui ressemble de la peur.
Se lever, pense-t-on, redresser ce dos douloureux.
Mais qu'entreprendre? N'y avait-il pas, hier encore,... Read More
Every time I watch this video, I cry. Not because I'm sad or something, just because it's going straight to my heart. That fucking deep voice, that performance...it's pure music shaped in man figure.
That's not the only stage performance nor the only artist able to move me to tears in just one song (they are to many to list), but it's special to me... Read More
Merci <3
Oui pour le moment tout se passe trs trs bien avec lui, je regrette juste de pas l'avoir rencontr plus tt! J'espre que tout va bien pour toi aussi. On devrait s'appeler un de ces jours
Those who know me in "real life" won't be surprised I write about the latest release of Earth. This band has such an important place in my musical life that I'm not totally objective, I'd say. Every release from them is like Christmas Eve.
Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light: I doesn't disappoint me at all as it pursues the work started with The... Read More
I'm desperately trying to motivate myself this morning. In such situation, there's only one way to succeed : good music and a gallon of strong black tea.
I can't share my cup of tea (Blue of London), but I can share music!
If that's not enough, I'm not ashamed to admit I'll try something... more radical :
(you're dancing right now, aren't you?... Read More