I got to be Thorin Oakenshield this weekend. 😊 And I had an awesome, nerdy idea. I want to make Thorin's key(key to Erebor) into a Keyblade! It's never been done. I checked. So I made one. 😆 It was such a good day. People loved my outfit. They loved the Keyblade. Even people that didn't know who Thorin was or what a Keyblade was.
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It takes away from the intimacy of this site. It's so impersonal. And makes this so much like every other social media site. I enjoyed it when you had to leave a comment on someone's page/blog/photo to let them know you appreciated what they contributed to this website. Even I've become complacent with the "like" button. Sorry for ranting, but I just wanted to express...
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There are two seasons. Only one of them have aired on YouTube so far. I had no part of season 1. But I was a big part of season 2. And if you can make it through season 1, season 2 will be great for you. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but i was a big part of increasing the quality of...
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Playing pond hockey and getting rained on. The rain froze on me. Haha!