Hi everyone,
sorry for being absent this days, but I have a lot of historys to tell u about this last travel to a wonderful place in México.
I was invited last month to go to a congress of gender awareness, where would erotic poetry readings. I was invited to read my own writing, in different scenarios and different audiences.
This place south of the peninsula, is really amazing, had only come here when I was very young. Now enjoy it much more, whole days filled with art, much sea, lots of alcohol and weed.
I walked along the seashore, smoking and listening to the sea, watching the stars, talking to new friends, cute and amazing.
I ate a lot of very good things, I drank a lot and dancing in enormous quantities with many people from many places.
Later I'm going up more pictures aabout this travel <3
Keep enjoying yourself, Preciosa!
hey! thanks I back now! @benjaminlongfellow