I am learning to embrace uncertainty at the moment.
It is the essence of living afterall.
Lady Life has been showing me thus in all sorts of mysterious ways.
Firstly there was a massive fuck off billboard inscribing : NOT SURE? WE AREN'T EITHER.
Then the book I am reading to a girl I work with talks about 'the Dark Night' - "for us each day is a Dark Night. None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, and yet still we go forwards. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.
Shortly her Mum came home to describe an active art piece she was participating in called 'Uncertainly' outlining that one cannot enter spiritual enlightenment without it.
Then we went to a group who talked of the importance of uncertainty in maintaining humility. We agreed that life without uncertainty does not allow learning, and that living the questions is more the answer than living for the answer.
Righto, Lady Life, get the point ey.
There are some new glimpses of Naughty Nancy too, if you fancy ( eg:below ). They also accomodate a very delicious friend of myn (no uncertainty there), please affirm his delciousness for me!
Love Light and and Dark Nights

It is the essence of living afterall.
Lady Life has been showing me thus in all sorts of mysterious ways.
Firstly there was a massive fuck off billboard inscribing : NOT SURE? WE AREN'T EITHER.
Then the book I am reading to a girl I work with talks about 'the Dark Night' - "for us each day is a Dark Night. None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, and yet still we go forwards. Because we trust. Because we have Faith.
Shortly her Mum came home to describe an active art piece she was participating in called 'Uncertainly' outlining that one cannot enter spiritual enlightenment without it.
Then we went to a group who talked of the importance of uncertainty in maintaining humility. We agreed that life without uncertainty does not allow learning, and that living the questions is more the answer than living for the answer.
Righto, Lady Life, get the point ey.
There are some new glimpses of Naughty Nancy too, if you fancy ( eg:below ). They also accomodate a very delicious friend of myn (no uncertainty there), please affirm his delciousness for me!

Love Light and and Dark Nights

That pic has made me both jealous and hungry