so ive been wicked busy the past month and a half. thank you for the birthday wishes, now that i am 20! im also going to get the next hopeful set done soon hopefully. works been driving me insane, but i love it, working with animals is the best. i got a new ferret ontop of my two adopted ones. hes a 2 1/2 month old boi i named ziggy. so i have antonio who turned 5 yesterday, and spazz whos turning 3 in october. they are an odd threesome. spazz and antonio were inseperable for 2 years, well more, and now theres this baby neither of them know how to react to. its funny to witness.
i hope that everyone is well, though the likely hood of that in this world is not good. ill try to keep updated more frequently.
i hope that everyone is well, though the likely hood of that in this world is not good. ill try to keep updated more frequently.
hope things go well