Been back at work since Friday, with the exception of yesterday, I had a followup appointment with the pulmonary clinic. The good news from that was that the doctor couldn't tell by listening which side I had the infection on since both my lungs were totally clear! Bad new was that the pressure in the lungs was still up as is my resting heart rate. I get to go back to the sleep center and do the sleep test again, woo hoo. In case you haven't had the joy of taking said test, it is where they connect about 6 million electrodes to you and tell you to go to sleep. Yeah, right. Every move you make pulls a bunch of wires, then if one pops off they need to come in and reattach it. It is totally the worst night of sleep you will ever have. I am breathing a lot better, but the deconditioning has taken its toll. I have no endurance, but I think it will come back fairly quickly, hopefully faster than the 3-6 months they predicted.
I MISS YOU!!!!!!!