I'm so excited! My website is finally launched for my company (and Brians) Quid Pro Doe. It is our line of hand printed tees and other handmade stuff! Check it out: http://www.quidprodoe.com/
You'll like it!
Or you can visit our Etsy shop at: http:///www.quidprode.etsy.com/
We are adding new stuff all the time and I am currently starting work on our line of home goods: quilts, pillows, and the like.
Check it out! I also love to hear any feedback.
You'll like it!
Or you can visit our Etsy shop at: http:///www.quidprode.etsy.com/
We are adding new stuff all the time and I am currently starting work on our line of home goods: quilts, pillows, and the like.
Check it out! I also love to hear any feedback.

I'll maybe take my chance, we'll see.
take care