2007 is almost here....
Time for some reflection on the last year. More downs than ups really but that has never stopped me before....
-Finally finished the MFA in the spring. It was quite the struggle as I often felt thwarted at every turn- money (lack of it), illness (much of it), questioning my purpose as an artist (Lots of that)
- My beloved black Lab Cappy died of cancer. It was one of the hardest things I had to go through. I miss him every day....
- Broke up with Brian (again) causes me to question if I ever want to be in a relationship again. Still not sure on that one. Though we are still best friends which is a good thing.
- Starting to sound like a loser here....
- Got a great job in higher education that paid well had great benifits, my first real job with some stability. After 6 months I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I am not cut out for a desk job. I was miserable. I am an artist.
-Quit this job and started my own business with Brian- going well so far.....
-Realized I might as well stop trying to be something I'm not career wise and just work my ass off and do what I need to do. This is a good thing, really. Like I said, I am an artist. Not always sure if I will be eating the next month but what the hell as long as I can pay the rent and utilities and make art. Still a dreamer after all these years....
- Spent some time in an inpatient eating disorders unit this summer for another issue that has gone on way to long in my life. It was one of the most intense and scary things I have ever done. But turned out to be one of the best. I have eaten like a "normal" person for several months now. Sounds silly to most but if you've ever been anorexic or bulimic you know what I mean....
- Got a new dog! A beautiful yellow Lab named Mr. B
I'm sure I am forgetting stuff but these are the major events that stick out. I'm ready for the next chapter.
Happy New Year to all.
Time for some reflection on the last year. More downs than ups really but that has never stopped me before....
-Finally finished the MFA in the spring. It was quite the struggle as I often felt thwarted at every turn- money (lack of it), illness (much of it), questioning my purpose as an artist (Lots of that)
- My beloved black Lab Cappy died of cancer. It was one of the hardest things I had to go through. I miss him every day....
- Broke up with Brian (again) causes me to question if I ever want to be in a relationship again. Still not sure on that one. Though we are still best friends which is a good thing.
- Starting to sound like a loser here....
- Got a great job in higher education that paid well had great benifits, my first real job with some stability. After 6 months I couldn't lie to myself anymore. I am not cut out for a desk job. I was miserable. I am an artist.
-Quit this job and started my own business with Brian- going well so far.....
-Realized I might as well stop trying to be something I'm not career wise and just work my ass off and do what I need to do. This is a good thing, really. Like I said, I am an artist. Not always sure if I will be eating the next month but what the hell as long as I can pay the rent and utilities and make art. Still a dreamer after all these years....
- Spent some time in an inpatient eating disorders unit this summer for another issue that has gone on way to long in my life. It was one of the most intense and scary things I have ever done. But turned out to be one of the best. I have eaten like a "normal" person for several months now. Sounds silly to most but if you've ever been anorexic or bulimic you know what I mean....
- Got a new dog! A beautiful yellow Lab named Mr. B
I'm sure I am forgetting stuff but these are the major events that stick out. I'm ready for the next chapter.
Happy New Year to all.
I'm trying to eat the way I should everyday, it's kindda hard. I had some problems like you did back in the days..
ANyways, I gotta go, have a very happy new year pretty
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