Been listening to the new Gorillaz (thumbs up), new Black Eyed Peas (fun, funny, silly, thumbs up too). New DMB too... I'm not sure on this yet... maybe too mellow for me.
Work sucks. My boss is too negative....won't lead us anywhere. I wish we could have violent coup and take him out..... like some kind of primate social group. We need a new alpha male.
I guess that's all for now. My hair is as long as it's been in about 10 years. I need it groomed very soon....but whtat to do?
Work sucks. My boss is too negative....won't lead us anywhere. I wish we could have violent coup and take him out..... like some kind of primate social group. We need a new alpha male.

I guess that's all for now. My hair is as long as it's been in about 10 years. I need it groomed very soon....but whtat to do?
Are you happy now?!